Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Looking... and Painting... Thoughtfully

As artists, we are often led to believe that our thinking and painting must reflect a deep and highly intellectual idea... a novel idea, or unique approach. We then search relentlessly... and often actually contribute to the "blocks"to our productivity in searching thus.

One strategy that I employ in my own painting process is to cross reference various activities that I enjoy one to another. I love to walk... usually favoring early morning or late in the evening. That might mean being up before sunrise, or conversely after dark... especially on moonlit nights.

In both cases, I am seeking an uninterrupted solitude. It within these quiet spaces  when my creative mind can perform the mindful gymnastics and connect with the natural world around me.

I would offer these next few glimpses of paintings that represent the dividends  coming out of this approach.

"Jail Birds"- 10 x 12 inch oil on canvas

This light - filled, yet moody subject incorporates two (on the surface) unrelated elements. The building located in Hillsdale, for many years served as a jail to hold law breakers until they could be transported to a larger center for trial.

On the ground, oblivious to the location... blackbirds conduct their late evening meal... readying themselves for their fall migration southward. The color in the backdrop subtly alludes to that fact.

Sometimes... a simple observation in an everyday setting can elevate the smallest "idea"... turning it into a gem. The choice of a thought- provoking title adds even further to the appeal. Word play is as well... a valuable asset in choosing one's ideas to paint.

I have held this post in reserve for a very long time now... which is not at all unusual for me. I often by greeting cards in a similar fashion because the image and thoughts capture my imagination and visual tastes. Such is the case here.

I have not posted intentionally for a very long period of time and I has actually come to the site this morning to shut it down permanently. I spend a lot of time... thinking about the message and the artwork and the word content to support each post. 

Lately, I have struggled to maintain my optimism for Blogger as a social medium platform. That has not changed. I  am offering today's post to try... one last time to bridge the troubled water here and in the world today because of the pandemic threats.

I have switched my attention to Face Book and have been posting with good success and enthusiasm. I have been creating and posting small 5 x 7 inch oil on panel paintings with a short message. It has been well received and my Faith for the recovery process has been revitalized. So here is a sample you can use as a yard stick of worth. Head to Face Book... if it suits your fancy.

In any event, I offer blessings and prayers for each of the circle of friends who have been so faithful along my blogging journey. Stay well... and  STAY INSIDE... practice social distancing... if you must go outside!

"Down to the River, Ivy Lea" - 5x7
 inch oil on panel

"Homeward Bound, the Canadian Palisades" 
- oil on panel 5 x 7 inches

"Looking Up Loon Lake" 
- oil on panel 5 x 7 inches

"River B(U)oys... Waiting For Spring" 
- oil n panel 5 x 7 inches

"Guild's Boat Livery, Mallorytown Landing
- oil on panel 5 x 7 inches

"Spring... Spanning Winter"
-5 x 7 inch oil on Panel

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