Note: the "porridgy" areas. Use of strong impasto hides a lot... and adds real strength and movement in the foreground water.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Back from Algonquin Park... with a new sense of renewal... a changed state of mind
Note: the "porridgy" areas. Use of strong impasto hides a lot... and adds real strength and movement in the foreground water.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Stickhandling your way.... When Life seems to take over....
Note random application of burnt sienna. Note the broken calligraphy of the line with lost and found edges and the unintentional drip of ink in the lower left snowbank. Lots of "mistakes" becoming assets!
In method two place your canvas on the easel in the ready to paint position and simply create a loosely constructed line drawing... sketch with your new tools and india ink directly onto the white canvas... again with no attempt to make it fussy. Allow for accidents to happen naturally... ink will drip and run... GREAT! The burnt sienna can be added after the sketch is in place... or the sketch can remain on the white ground "as is."
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The Wisdom of Giving... and Receiving
A sideline stab at working in acrylics
This blog and the blogs of others form a conduit for exchanging wisdom. Wisdom is not necessarily "the stuff "that one expects from intellectual sources. I have found that "Wisdom" has its origin from many sources in my own life. I learn from elders... but I also learn wisdom from children... from friends... from radio interviews... from newspapers... from simply observing Nature... people interacting... visiting the blogs of others... and yes, even from my own failures.
In short... "Wisdom" can be gained from a myriad of sources, but in order to receive it... one must be open to and receptive to it. One must be open to change... to shuffling the deck... working outside the normal box we build around us.
Wisdom takes time to assimilate and digest as well. Too often we jump rashly into action... merely preordaining failure... or a return to old devices... which are... "ordinary." Try some new strategies... but allow yourself time to bathe in new prospects... form themes rather than single pictures. Read about other artists and their lives. Visit exhibitions and galleries. Write journals... keep sketchbooks handy. Form a buffet of ideas and activities to taste and experiment with.
I will leave you with my last five favourite images that I promised from 2011. They are already "old"... and have had their day.I have indeed moved on. But in the process of looking over them... I have refreshed my views about what gave me most pleasure in my painting process during the past year. I purchased a large canvas this morning. It's on the easel... looking back at me. But as blank and white as it truly is... I can already "see" the image that will fill it. I am "imagineering!
But I have much more thinking and preparation work to do... and my next post will outline that searching for the wisdom to proceed. I will conclude this post with a piece of wonderful gem of Barbadian wisdom . It reads simply, but eloquently:
"Don't rush de brush and trow 'way de paint! In our culture... this equates roughly with:"Patience is a virtue." And so it is!.... This post began about a week ago... which partly explains the time lapse! HA HA!!
Good Painting to ALL in 2012!