Saturday, September 14, 2019

Simply... "Just across the road... or around the corner."

My blog post today, I hope records some awareness that has been fuelled by our moving (back) to Kingston... and away from our established life in Rockport. Moving was physically in its own right a challenging hurdle for us both. However, that worry was removed from our struggle through the generosity of four neighbours who took the lead and made things happen rapidly and seamlessly from one site to another. We will always be grateful for this blessing offered to us only out of a genuine act of friendship.

As I write, Deb is combining her own artisan ship skills and business acumen to combine with our longtime friend and web designer, Brenda Stanley at The Heart of Business located in Barrie Ontario. Their combined goal is to create a very new and updated Paint Box Gallery website. This time the site is being designed to replace the physical brick n'. mortar gallery and will be operating as an e-commerce site. Complete with its online shopping cart capabilities for our clientele.

In the meantime, I am out plein airing... panning for gold. A new website and gallery search require new materials that offer change and a fresh look as well. I am fully committed to that task at the moment. The cold, frosty fingers of winter are present during morning hours. That feeling... along with the obvious first "blushes" of autumn color remind one... that this much anticipated magical technicolor pageant... although breathtaking is so fleeting.

"Carpe diem".Well stated... and totally understood! So I am dedicated to delivering my contribution to our new chapter and art journey.

Stay tuned... for some new landscapes with "color surprises", as Emile Gruppe called them.

Places... Just across the road and around the corner

It is again a blessing to have been given this second opportunity to visit, retrace and paint in Barriefield Village again after so many years. Already, this quaint historic village presents unlimited painting material to motivate and excite me as creatively as it did thirty odd years ago. The village and its historically preserved homes are cared for by villagers who value its past. It is truly a vantage point from which the artist can view Kingston in its earliest years of settlement.

This heritage plaque provides all of the necessary lead in information to explain my connection and strong need to make paintings here. The opportunities to make good paintings within this small space are limitless.

I love to work using a thematic approach. What a better place ... "Just across the road and  around the corner from our new home." I will commence my introductory guided tour with one of my favourite Barriefield homes. One where I often was invited for tea with its owner then, Rollie Huegel. Rollie was a noted  and celebrated Shakespearean actor who worked in productions from our own famous Stratford Theater to New York Theater  productions.

In its beginnings in 1830, it was owned by David Morton who operated the premises as an Inn for stage travellers between Montreal and Toronto.

                                                           David Morton's Inn (1830) 
                                       "Couched in Summer... Nestled in Safely for Winter"
                                                        Oil on canvas - 10 x 12 inches   SOLD

All of the summer floral warmth and garden grandeur surrounding the red door which bid us to enter and to bide a while. Wasn't that exactly what the garden and its jolly entrance has done throughout its history? Seemed a propos to use it in my composition as simply an invitation to enter.

I hope that you share my feelings about my choice... and that you will stay with me on this village walkabout. Anxious to share this village with you. Like the River... its very much a part of my feelings of home... and belonging.

Warmest regards... and Good Fall Painting ... to ALL!


  1. Hi, Bruce - it sounds like you and your wife are eager and excited in this new beginning for yourselves and I wish you both the warmest good luck I can muster! I am looking forward to seeing the Barriefield walkabout series and love this first painting. The vibrant red door and window frames certainly are a color surprise that give this lush little painting a warm personal feeling.

  2. Hi there Susan!... Thanks ever so much for taking the time to stop by and to add your insightful and encouraging comments. As is always the case, they are right on the $$$ and closely follow my own principles and thinking.

    Like you... we are always searching for new directions to grow in... both Deb and I. We are totally invested and committed to a creative lifestyle and are hungry to try new ideas, themes and resources.

    Like you, I am at this particular time searching for a theme that breaks away from my past directions. I really found myself feeling handcuffed by my inaction for so many months. So... back to the drawing board... which is always outside for me... en plein air.

    The village is a lovely resource... with so many people that I have known for so many years... even a woman artist who shared my early journey and gallery connections. It has helped ground me and remarkably has very quickly fueled a new gateway to painting.

    Stay tuned... more to come on the village... and perhaps something.... new??? Hmmm...

    Good luck with your own journey. I love the "man and his dog" series. Such a poignant... and popular interest in society today. Here in our condo complex there are such scenes repeating constantly throughout each and every day.

    Warmest regards... and many thanks!
    Bruce and Deb

  3. The beauty of this little home is so wonderful with warm flowers and that red door saying, “Come in and have a cup of tea and enjoy the last days of summer!”. Lovely work, Bruce. Looking forward to more as you take us on your village tour.

    1. Good morning Rhonda!

      These words coming from you makes my heart sing!Your works and ideas are always inviting to me as a "regular" at your watercolor bistro.

      No need to explain ourselves, or to have to catch up really between visits. Just jump in grab a "cuppa"... and enjoy yourself Friend.

      I much look forward to sharing more ideas and time with you Rhonda... and in continuing to show you about this magical village of Barriefield.

      Thanks for dropping by!

      Good Fall painting and warmest regards,

  4. Bonjour,

    Je découvre avec un immense plaisir votre univers. Nous avons une amie en commun, Susan...
    Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage dans votre nouvelle installation, "nouvelle vie"...
    En ce qui me concerne, nous avons quitté la région Lyonnaise le 2 avril dernier pour venir nous installer dans le sud de la France à Saint-Tropez. Nous sommes en transition, puisque nous recherchons un terrain afin d'y faire construire notre nouvelle maison. Ce n'est pas facile et évident tout de suite, puisque nous sommes installés dans la maison que des amis ont mis à notre disposition. Nous avons hâte de nous sentir chez nous... Pour peindre aussi, il est important de retrouver un cocon... Je ne vais pas me plaindre non plus mais arrivée à un stade de notre vie certaines choses sont plus délicates que d'autres...
    Je suis très admirative de votre travail et cette peinture que vous nous proposez dans ce petit billet est ravissante. Les couleurs sont absolument fascinantes. Une petite maison que vous devez affectionner très certainement. Je me sens bien à l'admirer.

    A bientôt,
    Gros bisous

  5. Hello... and welcome Martine!

    So very happy to have you join us on our Barriefield walk... and my own Universe!... So strange when those separate spaces cross in the cosmos... one has the feeling of a prior contact. Such is the case with each member of the Circle of Friends and Family that choose to remain connected.

    Life is always about transition Martine and in my own sense of spiritualism Life to Death is simply a kind of transition... beyond earthly understanding. Being prepared for it can only be achieved by living firmly in the "Now" and availing ourselves with those experiences and relationships which bring us Joy... and better knowledge of our Authentic Selves. Enough of the metaphysics! lol

    Thank you for your encouraging words and responses to my latest wee works. Like yourself... I have been in transition... in too many ways. Overwhelmed to tell you the truth... with my wheels spinning. Not a great rut to be in. But I am underway again... buoyed by my own feelings of Joy... and encouragement by artists that I admire.

    Wonderful to have you enter my painting and blogging world. Look forward to more chats and sharing!

    Good luck with your search for that special new home. Let it find you chere Martine! Bonne chance... et bonne sante!!


  6. How very exciting to have a new guided tour with you and your brushes. In my favourite season too. I can't wait for the next episode so go and paint! :o) ...not that I am impatient or anything.. Best wishes.

  7. Good morning Lisa

    A fine day to head out. Fall is in the air... color pageant just getting underway. Hadn't realized how changed the village had become. But change comes to everyone... everywhere. That's Life!

    I am going to have to keep an eye on the brief window we have to paint autumn. I will find ways to offer glimpses of Barriefield... as I have interpreted her now... and earlier. Hope that you enjoy these glimpses!

    Stay tuned...


    Warmest regards... and happy Seaside ramblings!
