This mural depicts Rockport pioneer and boat building legend Edward Andress at work in the boat works during Rockport's halcyon boat building era.
This is a wintry postcard view of our new home "Islesview"... and down the long lane is the future home of The Paint Box Gallery... at this snow-drifted moment... merely ... an "Idea"!!!
"People can change at any age. Where there is life, there is possibility. Even ancient beliefs can be overturned or replaced in a matter of moments. We are the river."
Barry Neil Kaufman
"Happiness Is A Choice"
We are busier than one armed paper hangers here at The Paint Box Gallery theses days... working item by item down a long line of tasks to finish up business responsibilities... setting an actual moving plan in place... arranging painters and tradesmen to ready the house in Rockport... changing address information... settling up household contractual agreements... the list seems endless!
That being said... I have the best organizer in Deb handling the "internal affairs" portfolio... which leaves me to be the "go-pher" and the "go-to" jobs. Sharing house responsibilities has always been easy for us. Each handles the jobs near and dear to their heart... with support from the other when necessary... or asked for!
Such is the case in household chores. Deb loves the cleaning and maintenance aspect of home keeping... and I do most all of the daily cooking duties. We share dishes and some household tidying chores. An equitable and acceptable division of labour that gives everyone what they like to work at!
First on the list was for us both to complete commission responsibilities. The first reason for a Paint Box smile... is the top jpegs of Deb's newest stained glass piece... half of a double window delivered and hung in Algonquin Park at our friends David and Diane Kay. They were both "over-the-moon" in love with the result! And well they should be- it lights the entire open kitchen space area with both light and warm colour.
We delivered it to them on Tuesday... had lunch and a visit and then headed home mid afternoon. Glad that we chose to leave when we did. Half way through the Park... it began to snow furiously and continued all the way back to Hillsdale. The driving was very hazardously wet and greasy at times. People refuse to slow down despite the poor conditions. We were glad to arrive home just after dark... 6:00 pm in this neck o' the woods these days!
This morning... I'm on to my second and final canvas slated to head to Nova Scotia. I'm hoping to make it a one shot go... a one day session... we'll see how it goes!
I have really appreciated the supportive words and comments from those of you who have left comments regarding this new adventure and undertaking. It is impossible really... to encapsulate those feelings we have through mere words alone. I hoped that the four jpeg paintings might act as a prelude to help you envisage this idyllically beautiful setting... but I think that perhaps some photo reference might add further insight for you.
I hope that you enjoy these first glimpses... "walkabout" into... our Tomorrow!
Good Painting to ALL!!!
Deb's stained glass piece is wonderful, Bruce! You are both so very blessed to be sharers of the load!
ReplyDeleteDrive carefully and be safe.
Hi Bruce, "Islesview" looks like a Canadian version of our little bungalow. The future "Paint Box Gallery" is even like the detached garage where I have my studio.
ReplyDeleteRockport seems a nice little community and I expect there will be a steady stream of summer visitors/customers.
I'm glad Deb's window was well-received, it certainly looks good in-situ.
All the best,
Hi Bruce, how wonderful for you and Deb. Rockport looks delightful and I am so happy for the both of you. I wish you all the best and looking forward to your future work. I missed commenting your previous post, Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you,
Hi there Dean... Thanks for your visit... your encouraging comments and your best wishes!
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed a blessing... to journey with someone who is multi-talented... and is willing to share a vision... ideas... principles and work!
I am deeply blessed!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi there Keith... Thanks for visiting and for sharing your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteWe share a lot more than we ever realized. Life is strange!
We're relatively certain that the Gallery will be well received and successful. I know a good number of people from the outset... and have previous solid art connections to large communities nearby! All good!
Deb was thrilled to see her creation so deeply admired and hanging their new window! It is beautiful and colourful - a perfect antidote for the grey cold... and cabin fever! HA HA!!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi there Joan!... Glad to hear from you and to know that the posts pleased you!
ReplyDeleteRockport is an Eden really... a place of great beauty... and promise! Can't wait to be there... living and painting!
Stay tuned!...
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Thank you Bruce for sharing these wonderful pictures with us...I think you'll be so happy in Rockport...looks beautiful!! I love St.Brenden's Roman Catholic Church..Beautiful spot to paint!!
ReplyDeleteHi there Hilda!... I am happy that you enjoyed my photo walk about!
ReplyDeleteRockport is indeed a beautiful place... both to live in and to visit! My love affair with Rockport and the Thousand Islands is deeply embedded in my soul! It is another in a long line of blessings in my journey!
St Brendan's is a place that I have painted more than a few times... and be sure... I will be using her to model... real soon! HA HA!!!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Wow, Bruce! I somehow missed a post! I was thinking about you this morning and wondering at why it had been so long since you last posted and then see that a new post popped up on my sidebar. It never did for the last post! Deb's window is beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for both of you as you begin this new adventure in your lives. It looks like you have one darned gorgeous spot to live in. I so hope your traffic picks up too!
Good snowy morning Sherry!... Glad that came arounds for a look-see... and that you enjoyed the photo walkabout in Rockport! Thanks for the compliment on Deb's new window creation! It is a strikingly beautiful addition to their quaint open kitchen area!
ReplyDeleteRockport is beautiful... and paintable in every season and it comes with already established friendships and visions to hook our own star to! We really are excited with this opportunity to change... and to grow!
This is indeed... another blessing!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Bruce, Rockport looks like my sort of place. Like a few others, I also missed your last post. How exciting to be relocating like this and from what you've said, opening up a whole new vista of paintings. Debs window looks great.
ReplyDeleteHi there John!... Thanks for your visit... and for your very encouraging comments and remarks about our new and upcoming adventure in Rockport!
ReplyDeleteOne must always try to leave windows open ... for change and adventure. As with all things in life... existence without those ingredients becvomes only that... existence!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Good to see the river side village you are moving to Bruce. By the time you arrive it will be springtime and full of new life and hope. Just what you guys need to bring warmth and sunshine into your life. Looking forward to future posts. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteHi there Caroline!... Thanks for dropping by with your optimistic comments!
ReplyDeleteSpring does that for us all... doesan't it Caroline! Sunshine ... warmth and new light! New ingredients for renewal. This year these village elements will add just a dash more to Spring!
We are certainly eager and already readying ourselves to... "spring" forward to meet the challenge and joy of this new opportunity.
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
All the best to you and Deb Bruce! Looks like a fantastic new adventure, very nice!!
Wonder what the fishin's like, oops, did I say that =:-/
Hi there Jeffrey!... Thanks for visiting and for the enthusiatic comments!
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!... is certainly the "Go" word for us as well! An adventure beyond what we both ever could have hoped for!
And the fishin'...????? I worked at Caiger's Fishing Lodge in my youth... and know the area and the Islands like the back of my hand! Look out small and large mouth bass... and Northerns... better hide deep in them thar weedbeds! HA HA!! Great fishing! My 16 foot ... 100 year old plus cedar strip canoe will away from the dock more than on it! HA HA!!!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,