"Tribute to Hope" - oil on canvas 30x24 inches
- Gifted to daughter Lisa for her new home at Bethsheba, Barbados Perhaps there exists no better time in the year to consider the value of wisdom in one's own journey. New Year is a time of reflection back over the events and happenings of the previous year to (hopefully) create a better outcome in one's life in the New Year that lies ahead. This moment is very much akin to a situation that is familiar to all of us who share a passion for painting in our lives.
The New Year... can be easily compared top a blank white canvas... primed and ready for an image that either lies before us in the physical landscape... or perhaps in the creative labyrinth of our mind. Our palette? Well... each of has his or her own personal choice of preferred "colours" that we have in our "tool box..." a set of unique experiences(both positive and negative) to draw upon... and a modicum of personal time and energy which again is unique to our personal lives and situation.
Painting is, by its very nature... usually an act arising out of contemplation... individual thought and actions. Our processes for the most part are deeply personal responses calibrated by varying levels of skill... initiative and goal seeking. For this reason... we spend much of our time cloistered away in studios or in the outdoors working on our own. For the most part, this is an enriching and satisfying experience... something we all look forward to and enjoy... a form of personal meditation... a pleasant separation from the routines of daily and family responsibilities.
But there does arise a time... when one feels stale... when the "old formula" no longer excites and canvas stares back and does not speak to... or even interest you. Every art form has these barriers, or periods of block. This is the time when each of us looks to others who journey commonly... for encouragement and perhaps a thread of Hope to kick start our feelings of paralysis and artistic impotency. It is truly a time ... when we reach out in search of... Wisdom!
Past societies... even "primitive" or indigenous ones depended almost solely upon their elders to provide wisdom... not only to the adult segment but as well significant teaching and rearing roles in the rearing of children. In that hands on fashion... wisdom was literally handed to the next generations in an active and oral tradition. This method of the passing on of wisdom and leadership guaranteed a predictable and stable transmission and reception of knowledge.
Our too rapidly changing and technologically based cultures of today rely almost totally upon the passage and reception of knowledge being carried out by outside the family sources. Our elders are "used" when convenient... devalued... cut adrift and left to their own devices for support... or warehoused in homes and sites where the responsibilities for care are carried out by corporate or privately owned care facilities. Most often these places are either self-funded or underwritten by government assistance.
In these situations all family members lose really. Adults relinquish daily contact and opportunities to gain life knowledge and children are robbed of their familial connection to the process of aging and the value of sharing time with someone who is with you out of choice... and real love... rather than paid tuition as the factor and incentive to give care.
I am not inferring that this is entirely bad... given economic choices in today's costly rat race. Often it is the only choice possible... given the circumstances. However... given the two paths, can there be any doubt that we have indeed lost something important? The oft said phrase:
"Wisdom and stability come with age."... is undeniable. Simply look across the breadth of your own journey... and tell me if you are not more wise now... as an adult or parent... compared to a time when you lived with your parents?
Wisdom is a gift to be given... but for the transmission to take place... it must also be openly received and embraced.... " a give and take", as they say.
This blog and the blogs of others form a conduit for exchanging wisdom. Wisdom is not necessarily "the stuff "that one expects from intellectual sources. I have found that "Wisdom" has its origin from many sources in my own life. I learn from elders... but I also learn wisdom from children... from friends... from radio interviews... from newspapers... from simply observing Nature... people interacting... visiting the blogs of others... and yes, even from my own failures.
In short... "Wisdom" can be gained from a myriad of sources, but in order to receive it... one must be open to and receptive to it. One must be open to change... to shuffling the deck... working outside the normal box we build around us.
Wisdom takes time to assimilate and digest as well. Too often we jump rashly into action... merely preordaining failure... or a return to old devices... which are... "ordinary." Try some new strategies... but allow yourself time to bathe in new prospects... form themes rather than single pictures. Read about other artists and their lives. Visit exhibitions and galleries. Write journals... keep sketchbooks handy. Form a buffet of ideas and activities to taste and experiment with.
I will leave you with my last five favourite images that I promised from 2011. They are already "old"... and have had their day.I have indeed moved on. But in the process of looking over them... I have refreshed my views about what gave me most pleasure in my painting process during the past year. I purchased a large canvas this morning. It's on the easel... looking back at me. But as blank and white as it truly is... I can already "see" the image that will fill it. I am "imagineering!
But I have much more thinking and preparation work to do... and my next post will outline that searching for the wisdom to proceed. I will conclude this post with a piece of wonderful gem of Barbadian wisdom . It reads simply, but eloquently:
"Don't rush de brush and trow 'way de paint! In our culture... this equates roughly with:"Patience is a virtue." And so it is!.... This post began about a week ago... which partly explains the time lapse! HA HA!!
Good Painting to ALL in 2012!
I find myself wondering why this post is dated January 4th but I didn't see it until this morning? No matter, except I don't want you to think I've vanished, Bruce. Each of these paintings are just so very beautiful. Your words are all truth...wisdom, so to speak. Wisdom is all around us, if we just open our ears and eyes. Still, your words on tucking our elders away make so much sense. I can't tell you how often I've wished I could remember the stories my grandpa used to tell. None of my grandparents or parents have been in a nursing home and with only my mom left, I hope we never have to face that decision.
ReplyDeleteHi there Friend Sherry!... The "time lapse wordology"....HA HA!!... is due to hectic projects we are involved in here in the studio... and because I was heeding my own words... trying not to make this sound like a lecture... or an "Epistle according to St Bruce." Therefore write... think... back up the bus... rewrite... edit...publish! Hence the delay.
ReplyDeleteI wanted the post as always... to try and stimulate interest... reflection and application into my readers' lives... not to become a template for perfection. I can assure you Sherry... my own journey is FAR from that!
However... I want my recovery and learning from my own journey to help others... who might feel ... as I did... all alone!
Your values in so many cases parallel my own. That is what keeps us connected... as well as the Art... which is merely the conduit.
Good to hear from "You" and to hear about your own life and ideas. Uplifting at this end as well. A conversation requires two "receivers"... and two "listeners!" Correct? I believe that we both do both well.
Happy New Year and Good... whatever you undertake in 2012 Sherry!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteI will make this short. Your work is great and your words are wisdom packed. Didn't have luck posting my first comment. I will give it another try.
All the best to you,
Hi there Joan!... Glad that the post offered something to you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the extra time to make the comment again! That happens to me at times... I think that it happens when Blogger is trying to upload and from your end and I am answering a comment from this end! Just a guess though!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
So many wise words of wisdom and I must say that I agree with all of them, it has taken me a life time to become wise I only wish I had had some of that wisdom when I was younger, but then one must make mistakes to learn from them to become wise.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite painting of yours is Sugar Moon, amazing that it only took one hour to paint, you can't overwork a painting in that time!
Looking forward to seeing how you fill that new canvas.
Good Morning Diana!... Thanks for your visit and for the encouraging comment and thoughts about Sugar Moon!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about acquiring wisdom. The process of attaining wisdom can neither be hurried... nor achieved without the pain of making mistakes.
Those "mistakes"... or "failures"... in my belief sysem represent learning opportunities. We learn best and most profoundly from adversity in our lives.
"Sugar Moon" now lives with a very worthy friend... who I deeply love and admire. She has continually brought Joy and Happiness into the lives of each person she meets... since I met her.
"She" would tell you that she is ordinary... but that would not be further from the truth. The Art that she practises daily comes from her heart... and our world would be less without her "masterpieces" of unconditional love.
Anything can become Art... when it is carried out with commitment and passion over a lifetime! It needn't just be something to be hung on walls.
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Your Sugar Moon painting is beautiful. I love night scenes and I never see enough of them.
ReplyDeleteHappy Painting,
Hi there Nora!... Thanks for the compliment on ther nocturne "Sugar Moon"... I love doing them and really should do more... especially during winter!
ReplyDeleteLove your own lively and fresh quick draw sketches! Keep up the great work!
Good Sketching and Painting in 2012!
Warmest regards,
Hi, Bruce and Happy New Year to you with best wishes for months of happy painting! Thank you for the generous comment on my blog - it was greatly appreciated as I highly value encouragement from my fellow artists. I have read and looked through your blog and I love your work. I lived outside of Toronto (Oakville) for a few years and I feel that your work captures and transcends the breathtaking beauty and uniqueness that is Canada. And I do agree with your thoughts on the acquisition of wisdom over time - its all part of the winding road that is our human and artistic journey!
ReplyDeleteHi there Susan! Thank "You" for your enthusiastic comments and compliments!.... Coming from an artists whose work I deeply admire makes those words all the more meaningful!
ReplyDeleteSharing individual thoughts... process and "wisdom" indeed enriches the lives and striving of those who... care to share!
Thanks for your visit! I look forward to more exchanges during 2012!
Good Painting in 2012!
Warmest regards,
Such a beautiful post, Bruce, as always!! I get Wisdom from my "blogger" friends..which I should delete blogger from friends and just say "friends". I have to tell you, Bruce, I love all five but I couldn't believe how beautiful "Sugar Moon" is. The light hitting the house and snow is breathtaking.! I have so much respect for anyone who paints with oils. I just tried an oil painting again and its awful! I wouldn't even post it..I guess I better stick with pastels.ha..ha..ha..
ReplyDeleteI hope you do more paintings like sugar moon in the future!!
Hi there Friend Hilda!... Thank "You" for your always uplifting and encouraging comments!
ReplyDeleteI too... find much wisdom in the sites and ideas of others I meet through blogging.
The radiance and light that you compliment me for in "Sugar Moon" is as present and radiant in the faces of each of the children that you cature through your exquisite pastels! Each of us has a passion and strength for someething... if we seek it out and work hard at it!
Thank you for sharing your art and lovely thoughts!
Good Pastel Painting in 2012!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteOkay back in business, thank you for all of your support. It's good to be back.
Happy Painting to you,
Hi there Joan!... Glad to hear that you have defeated the Dastardly Blog Dragon that's been creating havoc about the the Blogosphere!
ReplyDeleteGood to have you back on board!!!
Good Painting... and Happy Bloggin'
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteYou haven't posted, I hope you are not having problems with your blog. I switched to Firefox, they say Google Chrome is good also. Internet Explorer is getting a very bad name.
All the best to you,
hi bruce! amazing work as always. i somehow missed "jazzin up summer!" i absolutely LOVE it! and again your words are wise and wonderful. hope you are well my friend!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful and uplifting post Bruce, I just love to see your favourite paintings and I recognise some of them from your earlier posts. Hope you are keeping well and look forward to more thoughts on planning and wisdom from you soon.
ReplyDeleteHi there Joan!... Thanks for your concern! I haven't posted due to the fact that both Deb and I were "under the weather" with bad colds!
ReplyDeleteSeems to have passed... mostly... so I hope to get back up and running before the end of the week. Really puts a wrench in all one's plans.. and for a guy who is rarely sick... it REALLY is distressing and uncomfortable.
I'll be talkin' to you soon... and my first post will be for "You" Joan. Might give it a try... your kind of challenge!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi there Suz!... Thanks for the visit and uplifting critique on "Jazzin'"!
ReplyDeleteDeb and I have been under the weather here with colds... but the worst is past and I am ready... and anxious to get back at it!
Love your "Lip Service"... an interesting project! Good luck with it!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi there Caroline!... Sorry for the longer than usual space between postings... but the flu/cold bug bit both Deb and I... very nasty indeed!
ReplyDeleteBut am over the worst of it... and am already looking ahead to posting by week's end... with a unique and interesting approach to getting into a new project. I think you will like it!
Be talkin' with you soon!
Warmest regards,