How strange this Autumn! I reported earlier last week that Autumn's colour seemed to be waning... along with the idyllic "Indian Summer" conditions which Ontarians can usually expect in late October. Last week the winds and rain lashed our area continuously for five days straight... and as I reported... I totally expected that the highly anticipated and enjoyable Fall painting run was completely at an end.
That was not to be the case, however! Blue skies... warmer temperatures and evidence that a whole lot of the colour remained aloft in the mixed woodlands of the Oro- Medonte... raised my spirits and juices... driving me outdoors for two more wonderful and productive plein air sorties.
So far... I've managed a total of eight 8x10 and 10x12 inch sketches to be added to my fall production for 2011. All of these sketches have been located within walking distance of the Gallery... so no waste of time... driving about... looking for inspiration at the cost of time... and
The positive response to my small local Hillsdale sketch..."Autumn's Hangin' On... But Mary's Gone" struck a chord on Friday morning. Why not spend a block of time sketching usually ignored homes and sites right in the village and nearby area? Having toured about on my nightly walking ritual... I quickly realized that there was indeed "the meat" for an interesting... and close-at-hand make work project for me using these "ordinary" village subjects.
Deb and I have put our heads and hands together to flesh out my local paint "Idea" into an actual late fall show aptly entitled: "Friends and Neighbours." We have mailed out an invitation to all Hillsdale residents via a coloured flyer through our local post office... inviting all to the opening of the show to take place on Sunday, November 13th. The show will continue for two weeks only... ending on Sunday, November 13th.
The show will consist of about thirty works... most being plein sketches completed about the village... of historic and contemporary homes as well as heritage sites such as Rumble's Flour and Feed Mill. Our hope is that village folk's interest will be piqued enough... to come out and see... "Is our home included?"
The answer is quite simple! Might be! But if not... it can be easily added... as a direct commission tailored to your own space... format and specifications! What a great Christams idea for that special someone... or to fill that dull... empty wall space in your home!
If nothing else is accomplished by the creation of this show... we sincerely hope that it might cause residents to "see" their village in a new light... and bring about the feeling which I have for the village... that it is indeed beautiful and worthy of spending my own time and effort to record its specialness. I have included four jpeg "morsels" for your interest and input.... with four more to come later on during the weekend.
We'll see what happens. Nothing ventured... then nothing gained! If you don't send a ship out... then don't sit waiting at the dock waiting for one to come in! As my ol' pal Rolly Hallyburton... owner of The Hilldale Bicycle Shoppe offers: If you don't have your own "bikes"our front... then people don't know you're there... and won't stop by!"
"I"... am a converted Graduate... of the Rolly Hallyburton School of Business! His costless... effective sales strategy works! We have our "Choir Boys/ Orphans"... lining our front stairs... each and every day... waiting to be adopted... at "fair" market value... considering that they all owe us rent! Get the drift?... Move 'em out!
Stay tuned!.....
Good Painting... to All
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteJust lost the comment I was writing. Bruce your work as always is incredible. Do you have to obtain permission to paint these homes?
You are truly an inspiration 10 8x10 and 10x12. Oh dear, I better get cracking, like Vic would say.
Warmest regards,
What a wonderful idea, to invite the village to come see the exhibit and maybe find their own homes included! I bet it will be a big success.
ReplyDeleteEnvying your lovely weather too - it continues to be rainy and foggy here with only occasional teasers of sun coming through.
Hi there Joan!... Thanks again for the visit... and for the uplifting words about the paintings!
ReplyDeleteNo... I didn't need permission really. Everyone in the village knows who I am... and what I do! I was not on publically owned property either!
If i'm in an unfamiliar area... or around seniors or homes where children might be about... I always present myself first... explain my wish to paint their home or property... and seek permission in a friendly way.
If I feel that it might not leave people feeling comfortable... I do what is only right. I move on!
I'm actually enjoying the smaller format for a change. I usually work 16x20 or 20x24 inch formats in outdoor work.
Do get crackin!... Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi there Karen... "I"... am ecstatic about these Autummn bonus days! Sure does pick up one's spirits... and adds greatly to one's motivation to paint outdoors!
ReplyDeleteWe're hoping the village people will embrace the opportunity... and not just from a point of view of potential sales! We'll just have to wait and see. It seems to be ... just a "wait n see" kind of economic environment... everywhere it would seem.
Just goin' to paint my way through it! Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
"productive," understatement! You've been busy. These are all so well done.
ReplyDeleteThank "You" Diane... for the visit and for your very enthusiastic comments and compliments!
ReplyDeleteBeing motivated... and therefore productive during "high colour" time in Autumn is very easy... as you well know and understand... given your own abilities and lovely work!!
Glad that you enjoyed these pieces! Stay tuned for the next four! I feel they hit the mark nicely as well!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteAmazingly, exactly the same thing has happened here: after a week of gales and rain we now have calmer, sunny and warmer days!
You're so lucky to have such a wealth of interesting buildings nearby. They all look so inviting surrounded by those lovely autumn colours.
I hope you get lots of interest from the 'locals'.
All the best,
Hi Keith!... Thanks for visiting! Isn't it strange... the way the weather is having difficulty making up its mind to follow the annual plan! ... But no complaints from yours truly!!
ReplyDeleteThe plethora of interesting buildings and landscapes make selecting sories... such an easy and enjoyable task. I can even make it back home for a warm up coffee and lunch with Deb! Bonus!
We'll see how the show goes! We've had great fun putting it all together! That's the main thing... right Keith? Having' good fun!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog from Joan's. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and seeing your paintings. I love seeing that beautiful fall color. Best of luck with sales. I think you will not need any luck, your paintings are very appealing.
Hi there Doug!... Welcome to my blog forum!Thank you for your encouragement!
ReplyDeleteIt pleases me greatly that you found the paintings and reflections useful and enjoyable! I hope that some of these thoughts and ideas might be useful to you in your search for growth and development in your own art!
I will drop over your site... to see your work as well!
Sales do count... but they are secondary to enjoyment and personal growth! We'll see what the citizens think!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
This is a cracker of an idea! How often do people pass by beautiful places in their own neighbourhood just because they are so familiar. After all it is arts job to draw attention to the beauty in these things - help people see their world in a different light. The home owners know how beautiful their property is but what a thrill for them when they see that first someone else has noticed and secondly that everyone else will see too. It's going to create a real buzz.
ReplyDelete...I wonder how many 'home improvements you will inspire.. lol.
Have a great weekend and happy painting.
Oh these are indeed gorgeous, Bruce! Your neighborhood has lovely homes and I happened to notice the trees on one stretch of my drive to work and thought, last, the beautiful fall colors are coming! Love your idea of the neighborhood meet and greet type of show. If people don't buy their own homes, I'd be shocked!
ReplyDeleteHi again Lisa!... Great comments and observations! So many of us do support the same goals... ideals and reasons for sharing our painting.
ReplyDeleteArt (usually) presents an uplifted view of the world and therefore is elevating to the state of the human spirit. I know that it lifts "me" up to be "out there"... and I do know that rural living has always produced a similar effect upon those who are born ... or choose to live in such places.
Sadly... young people have little interest or pride in the community... they are drawn to life and possibility of... "The Smoke".... that's Toronto here! HA HA!! We have gone through a lengthy period of idiotic petty thievery and vandalism by local youth (a small few)here which is very discouraging. We lost the only store in town to the economic downturn... and that has really changed the complexion of hope and well-being for Hillsdale... for a long time to come we feel.
It seems a gasping gesture to offer a show to perhaps rejuvenate civic interest and pride... but we feel we must at least offer the gesture. We'll see what comes of it.
The other side of the coin... is that "We"... and The Paint Box Gallery are... "portable" and "I" have always believed that the Universe speaks for a reason. I don't live according to the standards of others... either up... or down! One must always respond... out of choice to remain vital and happy!
Thanks for sharing your always thoughtful comments... ideas and wonderful sense of humour Lisa! I always look forward to our interfaces!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi there Sherry!... Thanks for sharing! Art to "Me"... is more about learning to "see"... and appreciate... rather than the too heavily focussed importance put on the "making" part of it!
ReplyDeleteIf our only common goal achieved as artists... is to draw to the attention of those unfortunates who commute in their daily lives... unaware of the beauty and potential for joy within their own backyards... then we will have achieved a worthwhile goal.... for our neighbours... and for the Paint Box Gallery as well. Both are goals that we seek to work towards... hopefully achieve!
Enjoy your Fall colours Sherry! May they lift your heart and mind... to new levels of Joy and Happiness!
Good Painting... and Safe commuting my Dear!
Warmest regards,
good work Bruce, keep it up, gorgeous paintings Congratulations
ReplyDeleteHi there again Jesus!... Thanks ever so much for the visit... and for the kind and generous compliments!
ReplyDeleteAutumn just keeps on providing fine colour to make good plein air paintings! I was "out there"... painting again today... and enjoyed a very successful sortie in the village!
Stay tuned!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
beautiful as always bruce! great idea!
ReplyDeleteHi there Suzanne!... Thanks for you visit and encouraging comments!
ReplyDeleteI'm having fun with "Idea"... keeps me motivated...and sure am kickin' out a lot of work!
Love the new one of the "children"!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Bruce, those are gorgeous! You've been busy. I love Red Rose - lovely touch with the Canadian flag. I'm waiting for a few more leaves to fall so that my view from my downtown balcony clears up a bit!
Nora MacPhail
Hi there Nora!... Thanks for your compliments... and for visiting!
ReplyDeleteIt has been an unusual fall... weatherwise... and the biggest surprise has been the longer-than-usual..."hanging on" of the exciting colourful foliage... that we artists look foward all year to paint!
Don't wait too long Nora!... They can all be gone in one rain, or a single hard frost. Has happened to me... more than a few times! HA HA!!
Good luck with it... and Good Painting!
Warmest regards,