As I previously posted... September is the benchmark or compass point for the transition from Summer into Fall. It is a bittersweet moment... where nostalgia and euphoria clasp hands. For some, the closing of summer retreats and saying goodbye to summer friends brings a note of sadness... whereas for others the excitement and anticipation of moving to a new tier in life... like a youth heading off to college is embraced with verve and unbridled happiness.... laced with a small... but momentary bit of fear and loss of family and place. Parents on the other hand feel a sense of both loss and gain simultaneously. Strange... this September Song!
"I" personally share this bittersweet feeling... saddened at the loss of Summer's grandeur... and yet strangely and excitedly looking forward to the fast-approaching annual pageant of fall colour. It is the plein air painter's perfect buffet! A smorgasbord excuse and opportunity to haul out seldomly used raw cadmium colours.... laid down with the intensity... and racing... soaring tempo of Vivaldi's Four Season violin masterpiece. Life can at times be very manic in nature... especially to artists... simply because... we "see"... and feel life and its patterns differently... and perhaps even more deeply than most!
Vivaldi's music fills The Paint Box Studio and Gallery during each Autumn... it is an expediter of joy and energy... the stuff one needs to work with and match majestic colour of Autumn. Yet strangely... another and diametrically opposite Fall classic shares centre stage with Vivaldi. Other than Star Dust by Hoagy Carmichael... September Song performed soulfully by Willy Nelson remains a standard in my own personal play list. Together ... these two songs weave together artfully the duality of feelings that September brings to "Me" at least... and I would guess, perhaps us all.
"Its a long, long time while
From May to December.
But the days grow short,
When you get to September.
When the autumn weather
Turns the leaves to flame One hasn't got the time
For the waiting game.
Oh the days dwindle down to a precious few...
September, November...
And these precious days
I'll spend with you...."
September Song
Lyrics and music by Anderson, Maxwell; Weil and Kurt
I am posting two favourite paintings "from the vaults"... that best capture these same two feelings in the hopes that in this small way... and from a distance... that "I" can spend (some) of time ... with "You"!
Good painting!... and a Happy... bountiful Autumn to each of you!
These two paintings do bring an overwhelming sense of nostalgia - that bittersweet sensation we all experience sometimes especially at this time of year. September Song always makes me want to cry - I recall how Jimmy Durante used to sing it - very moving with his gravel voice. I feel it more poignantly now that I have turned 65...moving into the autumn of my own life...and it's ok. Perhaps nature has a way of helping us to accept this...in my youth I was horrified by the thought of my own old age, but no longer. Interestingly my grandparents never seemed old to me, not until they did finally have to go to nursing homes. They had youthful vitality almost to the end.
ReplyDeleteLovely Bruce! The broken windows on the first one are great! It really looks true - excellent handling of your paint. And I must say, the second is really a gem. Yes, it conjures up memories from the past (we used to have old desks to play "school" on) but your lighting is wonderful! I like those geranium petals on the window sill.
ReplyDeleteI love these two paintings! They are awesome, with the light streaming in through the windows... How did you get the ideas? Did you just make them up? Or did you go to those places and set the scene? The compositions are wonderful.
ReplyDeleteAs always great paintings Bruce! You're right it's the change of seasons now in September, especially today you can feel the change.
ReplyDeleteHi again Karen!...So nice to hear from "You"! Once again the "cross overs" and feelings in our lives... unusally similar!
ReplyDeleteBeing able to share our deepest thoughts... ideas and life experiences openly is a privilege and a blesssing in itself.
Death is always lurking around at our age... as late as this week for "Me" when I shared the last four days of a dear friend's life at her room in a nursing home.
"I" too have no fear of Death. Neither do I embrace it. "I" choose to live each and every day as fully as I can... and embrace the living part of life.
Death in my mind is simply the passage into another plane of existence... a place we will only really know or understand perhaps... after we ourselves have passed to that other side. I do not concern my Self in trying to work it out from this side.
I truly enjoy our sharing Karen and very much admire your work... your intellect and your obviously solid outlook on living a life full o' purpose. We share so many commonalities... it would be nice to meet as couples some day to get to know more about our common lives! One never knows what the Universe can unfold!HAHA!!
Good to hear from "You"!
Good Painting!... Happy September!
Warmest regards,
Very thought provoking Bruce. I find your blog so interesting.
ReplyDeleteHi there Kim!... Thank "You" for the compliments on the posted images!
ReplyDeleteActually... I owe you credit for the return-to-school idea with your school supply miniature... which was very Rempelesque! Grand by the way!
The subject is actually my school desk in Miss Mott's Grade Five classroom at the Prince of Wales School in Brockville, Ontario. It is created entirely from memory... via a series of sketches to "flesh out" the perspective and contents of the piece.
But... that's another story... for another day!Maybe an added post to describe the process in painting both of these personal subjects is in order... to satisfy Katherine's questions???
Good Painting! ...Looking forward to our getting "out there" together in September to paint!
Warmest regards,
Hi again Katherine!... Thank "You" ever so much for your kind and encouraging comments!
ReplyDeleteYour very excellent and worthy questions regarding the origin and originality of these subjects will be the subject for my next post. Thank "You" for creating the "idea"!
Stay tuned Katherine... the next one is especially for "You"!
Good Painting! Happy September!
Warmest regards,
Hi Jonathan!... Thanks for the visit! Good to be in touch with "You" again!
ReplyDeleteYes... the feeling of summer's energy and presence is ever waning bit by bit each day... despite the fact that we are experiencing a very unseasonable and muggy heat wave at the moment!Due to leave us tomorrow...thank goodness... I hate the humidity!
Hope that you own painting continues to be... "fruitful"... with an odd vegetable day "tosased in"! HAHA!!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi Caroline!... Glad that the blog offers "You" pleasure and that its contents hopefully encourage you in some personal way! That alone pleases "Me"!
ReplyDeleteMy feeling about your blog matches your enthusiasm for mine! A two way street for certain!
Good Painting! Happy September!
Warmest regards,
Beautiful paintings, Bruce, both of them. I love that they stir the emotions within. Too, your words strike such a note. I have always been an autumn lover, despite the getting used to new routines that came with my girls going back to school. (For myself, it was always exciting going back to school!) I was caught by your comment about artists feeling things more deeply...I am not sure how true that is, but I've often wondered about it. I know that I personally do and have always thought I had the soul of an artist, if not the hands.
ReplyDeleteHi Autumn!... Thank "You" for visiting again... always look forward to our "conversations" and sharings!
ReplyDeleteWe share so many similarities in our lives... especially our mutual feelings Autumn.
The word "artist" to "Me" is not limited to those alone... who make pictures... or sculpture... etc. To "Me"... an "Artist" is one who pursues anything they have a passion for over their lifetime. Moms and Dads...aka "homemakers...who raise children selflessly... dedicating their energy and love to offering opportunity and counsel... are artists. Teachers... coaches... writers... hospice workers... nurses... anyone who makes and shares with passion their avocation and life's work... are Artists in my opinion.
Your art and your blog include "You" in my definition Autumn!The Soul is the mightiest of artistic attributes... right up their with the...SMILE! Keep smilin'... n' bloggin'... n' paintin'....
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the other day as I surveyed my flowers, that they were looking a little tired as summer draws to a close. Although I do love fall, the transition makes me a little sad, I do love the longer days of summer. The school desk paintings conjures up those long ago memories, of excitement and anxiety upon the return to school.
As I had a milestone birthday this year (60) each day is that much sweeter. I am okay with my "September Song".
Best to you Bruce, you always have a thoughtful post.
Bruce..as always, I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your paintings. These two paintings are wonderful. I think I sat on that desk!!..I remember the ink wells and loving my fountain pen..yes, I live for those memories. The Weathered watering can with the flowers are wonderful as well.
ReplyDeleteHi Sue!... Great to hear from "You" ... as always!
ReplyDeleteFacing Autumn... every year dating back to those halcyon school years has always brought "bittersweet" feelings for most all of us Sue.
Moving into the Autumn of our human journeys amplifies that feeling for sure... but as "You" and other visitors to the blog share so beautifully... is that with aging a mellow acceptance of the natural rhythm of life on every level occurs as well. Let's call it Wisdom! Hence the feeling "You" mention of it being... "okay". That is certainly a feeling "I" share with "You" and those other "in" sync visitors.
There are truly times when I question the amount of time and energy "I" devote to keeping this blog /journal moving. But when people like your Self respond in the way "You" always do... it reaffirms my conviction that our "conversations" are both meaningful... and worthwhile on both sides of this forum!
Thank "You" for continuing to participate and encourage my own journey Sue!
Good Painting! Much Peace!
Warmest regards,
Hi Hilda!... Though we work in different places... and with different mediums... "We" often see the world around us in a familiar and similar fashion. The images we "see"... and share through the paintings we produce represent "universals" of existence... or parallel portions of human experience.
ReplyDeleteShakespeare is so classic... and widely read and valued because his plays really present nearly every possible "role" one can play in life. Just pick a role and jump in... the "script" is already written!
In your lovely comment that "You" shared it mentions that "[you] live for these memories." I agree... but would add: We live... with these memories. No one can take them away. "I" will embrace mine fully... when my own...Winter rolls around... and find Peace!
Thanks for staying tuned and offering your insights!
Good "pastelling"! Happy September memories!
Warmest regards,
Bruce, I couldn't stay away from making a comment on your September Song. Wonderful words and equally wonderful paintings. We can all relate to your words. As children, young adults and as parents.
ReplyDeleteYour paintings bring out our long ago memories of returning to school. I can almost smell the burning of leaves, Yes, I am that hold. There was a time when they would sweep the fallen leaves to a heap at the curb and burn them.
And now for me and my family and new addition, a baby boy, born 4 weeks early. Weighing in at 4lbs 9oz.. This indeed is a wonderful September.
I will be returning to posting soon. Bruce I am looking forward to your fall plein air paintings.
All the best to you and thank you so much for your truly amazing post.
Hi Joan!... My heartiest congratulations to "you" and your family on the "new addition"!
ReplyDeleteThere is no greater blessing on this earth Joan... than to see "new faces" that will usher forward all of your values... hopes and dreams during the remainder of your lifetime... and beyond! Enjoy every precious moment!
We share so many parallels and values in our lives Joan. What solace it is to feel the presence of "kindred spirits" who value the best that Mankind creates: Family...Art and Values - everything that the next generation needs to build upon our accomplishments!
It is my great pleasure to have "conversations" with folk like your Self... people "I" deeply admire and am happy to call Friend... even though at a distance!
Look forward to your wonderful plein air offerings this Fall as well!
Until then... enjoy that new young'un!!!
Warmest regards,