How do the subjects mentioned in this post title relate you might ask... and how do they relate to art? They do in a strange way... but perhaps just in my own world... or maybe not. Let's move ahead.
"Life must be lived forward, but can only be fully understood backwards."
I try very hard to live fully planted in the Present... as I suspect most of you try to do as well. Every self-help guru and their writings... every therapist... every minister... any counsellor offer that "moving ahead"... "not living in the Past" are essential to conducting a healthy and productive life. They all especially offer this advice in the face of major life crises such as loss of employment, failed personal relationships, serious physical illness, death and divorce. In these cases, the advice is sound and will eventually lead one to personal growth and healing.
The quote I have inserted in this post comes from a fortune cookie... a treat at the end of a meal at a favourite Chinese restaurant. Usually, I don't take them seriously at all... finding their quotes "hokey"... even barely humorous at the best of times. But in this particular case, the quote struck a chord within "Me"... resonating a Truth that "I" hadn't expected.
At my particular age... I must admit that I do enjoyably spend a fair amount of time searching back over my life and counting its many blessings... and disappointments to indeed try to understand how "I" arrived where "I" stand at present. I have already alluded to the fact that "I" am both grateful and satisfied with the outcomes of my life. "I" have made peace with my Self... and "Others" in regard to events that might have been carried out and dealt with better by "Me" earlier in my life.
A very poignant and insightful response to one of my postings prompted "Me" (in the last week) to take a "trip down memory lane"... back in time through the places I had lived in... seeking out and speaking to people I shared life with in those places. That trip... "alone" in my car over two days... with my own eclectic mix of music blaring... was truly a satisfying and uplifting experience. I was "alone" because my wife was visiting with her good son Spencer... his wife and Deb's two precious grandchildren, Ava and Ella in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. I had to go to Brockville, the hometown of both Deb and I... to pay a visit to my dentist. I needed to have my three month checkup and help staff there hang artwork. Some of that artwork was my own. Dr Peter Culp was my student in grades seven and eight and we have remained connected as friends since then. "I" admire Peter deeply for his achievement,loyalty and generosity to his family, staff and community. "He" stands as a living monument... that my teaching life was worthwhile... and that "The Power of One"... matters. Each of "Us"... can make a difference... even just with a simple kind act... a group of encouraging words... or a constant SMILE! These no-cost gifts DO... pass forward!
Since I had two days and no particular schedule except for my Tuesday 10:50am appointment... I "weaseled my way" along familiar back roads arriving at Camden East...a small hamlet where I had lived happily during the eighties. Both Allison and Andrew were born during those years and our home was the location of "The Gingerbread Gallery"... my first self-owned gallery. I talked to a couple of old friends... caught up on "all the dirt and dust" and then proceeded down the road to Kingston where we lived and I taught elementary school for twenty years. I revisited many of my old haunts... the "Home" on Grenadier Drive and Barriefield Village where I literally lived painting outdoors with my easel and my good painting pal Frank Edwards throughout every season during most of those twenty years.
Barriefield Village was, and still is... a quiet, off the beaten path space... an architectural throwback to Canada's earliest pioneer beginnings. Nearly all of the homes and buildings dated to 1812-50's and were the dwellings and businesses of the garrisons stationed at nearby Fort Henry. This large limestone fortress was constructed by the British to protect Kingston, the Rideau Canal and Upper Canada from the perceived imminent threat of American invasion. Today.. as a Parks Canada destination... it fully embraces the annual American and world traveller invasion... of tourists who visit to catch the breath-taking precision marching drills of its world class summer student "garrison". Today, the village has been restored and developed into a much more manicured enclave for Kingstonian professionals and their young families... but it retains its solitary nature and its Eden-like beauty... a sanctuary from the din of the city seen clearly below.
Spring is indeed my favourite time to be in Barriefield because lilac perfume is pervasive... no matter where you go in the village. Lilacs are everywhere... and in every hue of pink, purple and rich burgundy. The air is simply... intoxicating! Returning warblers and every variety of songbirds nest in the lilac thickets and fill the aroma rich air with choruses of song. It is an annual ritual that I have looked forward to every year in my painting life. "I" was overcome by the memories... sights... smells and sanctity of this truly magical homecoming experience. Every place... every person had indeed changed... but "I" was not at all affronted by these changes. Everything in life must change... as must "We"!
"I" look back over my journey and my experiences in these places and feel the richness of having had all of these life opportunities. "I" feel no sadness... melancholy... or regret in having to move forward... back to my current life. My Present is as well... rich and fulfilling, so "I" am most happy and thankful to return... "Home".
"Home" to "Me"... is not just a house. I have personally had many "Homes". It is a place in time... where one can return to spiritually... to reflect... find solace... and to feel the "Presence" still... of departed parents and friends of that space... even though Time has pulled "You" along. It is a sacred place "Within"... a compass point to guide one to a better understanding of their Present... with gratitude and closure.
I share a wonderous and constantly changing daily life with my truly wonderful and supportive wife and Soul Mate, Deb. We are both healthy in the Present... and now take joy in watching successfully launched children move out into their own unique and exciting worlds. Perhaps my writing might seem rambling... romantic and "too personal" for cyberspace. But it "is"... who "I" am... and wish to remain. "I" value Family... Friends and Children above all things. I have made a host of new and stimulating friends whom I have connected with through this blog. It is for this reason that "I" choose to post "Lilac Lullaby"... a bouquet of wonderful spring lilacs... as a personal "Thank You" to ALL of "You" for making my life richer.
None of us are ever truly "alone"... whether we were an "only child"... or whatever... unless we choose to be so. By reaching out and sharing our Time... our truest feelings... and our Art... "We" are "One" with the Universe... and with each other! To borrow a line from Neil Diamond's anthem Sweet Caroline:
"Touching "Me"... Touching "You"... and "We" do!
Good Painting to all!
PS The "sketch" included today is the first in a series of paintings that will owe their origin to the Barriefield adventure. Stay tuned....
Thank you so much for opening up and sharing this with us Bruce. You put a lot of things in perspective, I would have to agree to enjoy and cherish what you have now in the present because no matter how much you plan for the future nothings guaranteed. There's a good saying my mother told me once " You know how to make god laugh? Tell him your plans!"
ReplyDeleteI do appreciate your friendship that this blog has provided us and to be able to share your amazing work with the world and feel a connection is even more special. Thanks again Bruce!
A grea tblog thank you again for taking the time
ReplyDeleteThanks "You" Jonathan... for reaching out and sharing your own "take" on living fully in the Present! Your Mom's advice is precious! "I" will add that thought to my "Fertile Thoughts" file.
ReplyDeleteThank "You" too... for your friendship and your encouragement with my work. Our lives run very much parallel... despite the distances apart. "I" deeply value your opinions, your own superb art... and your Friendship... capital "F" fully intended!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi again Ralph!... Thanks for dropping by... and for the encouraging words. Glad that "You" find something worthwhile in your own world of work n' play!
ReplyDeleteGood Painting!
Warmest regards,
ReplyDeleteYou are not only an artist with a paintbrush but, also with your words. Your words have touched me. Thank you for sharing.
Hi again Samantha!...Thank "You" ever so much for this high compliment!
ReplyDeleteThe body of this post is intended to encourage everyone... no matter their perception of the "worth" of their work to risk reaching out and sharing not only their art persay... but also to share process... ideas and feelings.
In so doing... we are able to "connect" and develop both as individuals and a painting community.
In short..."Me" touching "You"... and in reverse... "You" touching "Me"... as "You" have in your comment! Thank "You" for reaching back... and sharing Samantha! "I" deeply appreciate it!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
PS Good luck with the Etsy Sale promotion. Hope that it brings returns for "You"!
Lovely post and so heart felt! I understand your meaning completely and have felt many of the same emotions. The painting of the Lilacs is a perfect response to the love in your soul. And thank you for that gift.
ReplyDeleteHi Karen!... Thank "You" for responding and accepting the gift as it was intended.
ReplyDeleteFriendship and love are such simple gifts that anyone can offer... at no cost to themselves whatsoever.But it can be priceless and effectively re-shape the journey of another.
It is both uplifting and encouraging to know... that we are never... "alone"... if we risk reaching out openly and honestly. One will always find those who will understand... accept and reciprocate in response to that gift!
In this simple Truth lies Hope!
Good painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteI came to thank you for the touching comment you made on my post and landed on this beautiful moment of sharing you posted! I think the emotions you experienced on your journey continued to pour out even in the comment you left. Thank you for that. You help bring understanding.
I love your painting. The light and brushstroke are wonderful!
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteAnother outstanding painting Bruce. Each time I visit your blog, it's a learning experience for me. Your art alone is something amazing to see, but your wisdom and willingness to share what you feel and have learned from your journey is inspiring. Once again thank you for sharing.
All the best to you
Bruce....thank you for sharing...nice words, as I struggle daily with being present,...and lovely paintings. Wishing you well.
ReplyDeleteHi again Susan!... It pleases "Me" to know that my posts somehow encourage "Others" who follow similar paths to my own... and who share an unusual passion for making art... especially in the outdoors.
ReplyDelete"I" reiterate the statement... that "We" are never alone... except by choice.Simply by reaching out... risking... one will always find kindred spirits who care... to share!
Thank "You" for sharing your thoughts and for your generous and encouraging words back!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi again Joan!... Good to hear from "You... as always!Your comments are always positive and encouraging.
ReplyDelete"I" am especially happy that my paintings and my thoughts help support "You" an your own magnificent journey... and that they might inspire "You" to continue on your already fulfilling and productive path.
What value would creating art have... if one was unwilling to show it to the world.. in the hopes of creating discussion with others... and in the process... an environment for everyone to grow?
Thank "You" for always digging deep... working hard at your craft... and for truly sharing!
All the best back to "You"!
Good painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi Julie! .... Thank "You" for continuing to "pop in" and share!
ReplyDelete"I" very much enjoyed your latest post "Projection"... and the watercolour built into your insightful writing!
Glad that "You" find encouragement to "struggle on" in your journey."Struggle"... is the key word there. Without struggle there can be little or no significant gain in any part of life.
It is through adversity that "We" gain most insights... and gratitude for what we have learned... and earned!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
So nice to visit a pocket of your life along with you. I enjoyed reading your "ramblings"... Good memories always make me smile, whether they are someone else's or mine.... The sharing of them keeps them alive and makes them stronger.
ReplyDeleteDidn't remember or know that you were a teacher of elementary aged children. Me too!! A good life!!
Hi Marian!... So good to hear from "You" again!
ReplyDeleteWe share a lot of commonalities in both our Present... and our Past lives it seems. Strange how some of us lead parallel existences... yet live and come from very different places and circumstances.
Glad that "You" enjoyed "rambling" along with "Me". "I" am indeed grateful to share memories with others. So many unfortunate people at our point in life simply lose their ability to carry... or share memories.
"Use it ... or lose it."
"I" prefer to exercise it regularly... and pass some of my experiences to other special Friends ... like "You"! "I" suspect there's still an active part of "Me" that wishes to continue to teach... without keeping a day book!HAHA!!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Thanks for finding me Bruce, so I could in turn find you. Your work is exquisite! I love your description of Barriefield Village; my dream vista, really. History and charm, restored and made new again. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteI think our past, good, bad, or ugly, all lends to make us into the people we are today. Shaving and shaping, molding and bending, and sometimes breaking and pasting back together...A process. Looking back helps us to reaffirm, reassess, and once again grab important thoughts, feelings, emotions...All a good thing, to my mind. Unless one wallows and gets lost back there. LOL Still, your words are so very true, so moving. I am most impressed that you've become friends with a former student. That says so much for your teaching abilities. A true gift, as much as your gorgeous art.
Hi Autumn!.... Thanks for the "comeback"! Blogging... not to be confused with "surfing" is such a positive tool to add to one's "survival" toolbox.
ReplyDeleteDiscovering other creative... like-minded and positive individuals like "You"... is as "You" said reassuring... and does indeed guide the rethinking and reshaping of our mid and end of life journeys... one with the other!
"I" never really felt entirely comfortable with the "label" ..."teacher". "I" personally shared a long relationship with many who called themselves that and were handsomely paid for that responsibility.
However... in my eyes and the eyes of peers and ... their charges they fell short of both the title... and their responsibilities. Enough's in the rear view mirror... in my day-to-day anyway.
I always considered the terms "facilitator" and "resource" as better descriptions for my role in the classroom... aside from being a "learner" with equal opportunity to share learning with the group."I" simply... "offered the invitation to participate in group learning".
"I" will look forward to more chats...sharing of more thoughts and ideas in the Future!Until then...
Good painting!... and a Happy life!
Warmest regards,
dear Bruce, your comment on my post was a poem in itself...and we are all a poem in our self...our soul a poem of God and of good, sincerely, angelstar
ReplyDeleteHi back Angel-Star!... Thank "You" for this gracious and unique comment!
ReplyDelete"We"... indeed..."all are a poem in our selves".
Each of us has a unique "Voice".
Fortunately for "You" and "I"... we now listen to... trust... honour and follow that "Voice"...
Good Painting... and writing!
Warmest regards,
great lilac work.
ReplyDeleteVery few years will lilacs bloom in Wyoming much less here in Dubois but we always hope. Won't be this year.
Hi back Gary!... The lilacs are sent by "Me"... to special people like "You"... who willingly share their art and their personal lives and feelings with "Me".
ReplyDeleteThank "You" for all of your spectacular Western wildlife scenery and wonderful paintings... things we don't experience here!
"Touching "Me"... touching "You"! Ain't it grand my Friend?
Lilacs area symbol of Hope in these parts.Hope that we might meet some day!
Stay tuned to see how that appears in my next post Gary! "Imagineering"... Painting and thinking outside the box... as "I" know "You" do!
Good Painting my Friend!
Warmest regards,
Bruce, Thanks for visiting my blog. Your'e right, we do have parallel lives! And, my husband was also an elementary teacher! The lilacs are blooming here this week, too!
ReplyDeletetwo really good paintings there--solid! I think I "talk" a lot in my blog too. That's the great thing about blogging--it's YOUR blog and you can decide content. how did we ever get along before (without it) haha. You do an outstanding job of both blogging AND painting
ReplyDeleteHi Pam!... Thanks for your return visit.
ReplyDeleteParallel lives... flowers... and interests as well! Nice to share ideas and "compare notes".... or to "intersect" no matter how briefly!
Good Painting!
Thank "You" Celeste for your visit and your encouraging words about my blogging and painting.
ReplyDeleteConnecting both of these methods of self expression to share process and ideas through blogging is very enjoyable for "Me"... and a host of many others who otherwise would continue to work ...mostly "alone".
Not necessary any longer if one wishes to be involved and contribute!
Thanks again for your sharing!
Be over to visit "You"...SOON!
Good Painting!
Warm regards,
Bruce you paint as beautifully with words as you do with your paints. You had me captivated with your story. Thanks for sharing all those lessons with us. They are something we can all relate to.
ReplyDeleteYour knowledge is a strong foundation in which to live your dreams! Susan :)
Hi again Susan!... So very wonderful to hear from "The Island Friendlies!
ReplyDeleteThank "You" as well for your words of encouragement. If sharing my journey encourages that of another... then "I" am continuing to truly live my dreams ... and my life to the fullest measure.
All of us are unique in some fashion... as "I" have certainly found in the comments that "I" have received... and the visits to numerous blog sites... where"I" discover that "I" am not "alone"... in my belief in the "Power of One".
A single life can make a huge difference... when it is shared with others in Truth and Love! ART is a powerful device to connect people.
Good Painting... and a "Good Life" on the Island to both "You" and Neil.
I love his work!
Warmest regards,
This sounds (and looks) like a wonderful plan, Bruce! Happy lilac season and all good fortunes to you!
ReplyDeleteThank "You" Linny for dropping by... and for the encouragement!
ReplyDelete"I" am well underway at the moment with "the plan"... as "You" will soon see. Love your newest pieces... simply plein air gems... all of them!
Good Painting... and Good fortunes to "You" as well!
Warmest regards,
Bruce, you really have a way of capturing lilacs, a very difficult flower to paint convincingly.
ReplyDeleteI also love the old truck.
Your palette in rich in color without crossing the line to saccharine.
Nice work.
Thank "You" Mary... for your very gracious and heartening comments!
ReplyDeleteComing from "You"... they mean a great deal to "Me"... simply because "I" so admire just those things in your own work!
Good painting!
Warmest regards,