Shedding winter's garments is such an uplifting "gift" from Spring... for all creatures... in both the human and animal kingdom. Everywhere one looks... there is ample evidence of the joy and exuberance that increased warmth... daylight and the increased energy provide for man, animals and the plant world.
Geese and waterfowl have passed through the annual migration and courting rituals and have settled into nesting... one pair per puddle... pothole or pond. Other species of bird life males establish high ground parapets... from which to sing and flash their colours... to dominate their areas and to protect nesting females.Human couples stroll hand-in-hand along waterfronts and beaches... or spend quiet hours alone on a bench staring into each other's eyes.
Yes... "Love"... in its many differing forms... can be seen just about anywhere during Spring. Love springs up from "within"... it must begin there. But it travels... and can be "caught". It is indeed contagious... if "One" is open to its possibility! Despite the myth that "true love"... is hard to find... it is really everywhere around each one of us. Whether we recognize it ... respond to it... or keep it... depends upon each one of us. We are indeed the "captains" of our own destinies... and that also applies to the inclusion... or exclusion of "Love" in our journeys.
The painting displayed on today's post is a favourite of mine. It was painted immediately after our first visit to Victoria, BC to spend time with my bother Don and his lovely wife Claudia... since they had moved there 15 years earlier. Don is my younger sibling by a mere 11 months... too close a gap for comfort... for both of us. As is typical with two young lads... in a VERY small nest... we warred continually and were too unfairly compared in expectations and accomplishments.
This period of time... shortly after the passing of our parents was the very first time that we met with mutual admiration and respect for the other... without fearing the need to complete or to live up to the standards of others.It was a moment of epiphany... and relief for us both. Fully embracing our love for each other... we now we are in touch with each other weekly by phone... and even physically when one can travel.Love is... finally... and truly... in the air!
"Life is a Beach"... in this painting today... is a real beach, It is called French Beach and is a popular beach on Vancouver Island where Don and I spent time alone on one occasion early in our visit. The next time we spent there, it was crowded with many other noisy sun lovers.... and love surely was in the air, but in an entirely different form!
In closing, Life... the Beach... is a place where we can choose to exist alone, amid flotsam left by storms and uncertainty. But Life... the Beach... can also be a sunny and wonderful beach...littered profusely with many fond memories... a place where love can be stored and shared... for years to come.
I have included some addition places where I unexpectedly... but certainly "found"....Love. Love can be found to be "positive"... and Love can be "negative". It can be hurtful... and it can be healing. It seldom can be expected to be lasting... without changing. Learning how to change with it and encourage it to grow is the key to finding Happiness in Love. Learning to love and respect one's Self... is the true starting place to receive and to give love.
Good Painting... and Hunting!... to ALL!!!
Love the pics, especially your painting! Love is in the air gotta love Spring! Your painting has such beautiful colors, the composition is nicely done as well. Thanks again for sharing these great photos!
ReplyDeleteHi again Jonathan!... Glad you enjoyed the painting and pictures! Spring is alive... and EVERYWHERE! "Whoever" created this Eden... sure knew what "He" was doing!
ReplyDelete"Resurrection" is indeed... more than just a word. Believe what "you" will!
Good painting and warmest regartds my Friend!
Happy Spring!
You old romantic Bruce!
ReplyDeleteAn interesting and uplifting post.
I had a very similar epiphany in my relationship with my brother. It was moving to see it in someone else's words.
Hey Keith!... only REAL men can admit that they are "Romantics"! "I" have always been proud of that fact!
ReplyDeleteThere are no "new" roles in human or family existence Keith. Shakespeare covered all of the scripts for Humanity in his plays. Pick a part... and jump in!
It would seem... that "You" and "I"... are brothers in many other ways than just in painting! "I" like that my Friend!
Thanks for dropping by and for your own ideas expressed! They're much appreciated!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards Keith!
Interesting post as always, Bruce!
ReplyDeleteThank "You" Marian!... For visiting and for being encouraging in your comment! Loved your new work on your site as well!
ReplyDeleteGood Painting!
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteI must say this painting can be only described as BRILLIANT! You are so very talented. I also enjoy what you share with us, especially your relationship with your brother.
As a mother of 40 yr. old twin boys, you brought back so many memories. So very similar to you and your brothers younger days.
Once again, thank you for sharing your work and words.
Have a great day.
Thank "You" Joan for visiting again... and for your kind and uplifting words!
ReplyDeleteIf only the world... and people in it would accept and fully embrace the reality... that we ALL are brothers and sisters... that we ALL run parallel to each other in so many ways... and that if we all shared ... more openly... and honestly... the world could be a better place for EVERYONE!
Thank "You" for sharing of your Self in your comments!
Good painting... and Happy Spring!
Warmest regards,
Bruce, great post....thanks for sharing your world. Happy continued painting!. P.S. thanks for your kind words on my post today.
ReplyDeleteHi Julie!... I always enjoy visiting your site... always something new... vibrant and fresh... and writings with depth of thought!
ReplyDeleteThank "you" for visiting and the gracious comment!
Good painting!
Warm regards,
Very interesting work. I enjoyed reading and viewing your posts.
ReplyDeleteThank "You" Becky... And Likewise... "I" very much enjoyed visiting your site as well! You capture the beauty of the West with your wonderful and luminous palette.
ReplyDelete"I" will continue to follow your work... and will check in regularly!
Good painting! Thanks for your visit and encouraging comments!
Hey Bruce '' painting a spot that is immediatley recognizable to me!! As you pointed out awhile ago we both have painted that scene though at very different seasons and weather! Wonderful work!
ReplyDeleteThank "You" for visiting Jeffery...and for your kind comments regarding this piece."I" deeply value your opinion and admire yopur work!
ReplyDeleteFrench Beach is indeed a very special place... for many different people... for many different reasons... in all seasons!
Happy Earth Day Sir... and Good Painting!
Beautiful post and painting, Bruce! Happy, Happy to you!
ReplyDeleteThank "You" Linny!.... Your gracious and encouraging comments indeed make "Me" feel... "Happy!Happy"!
ReplyDeleteGood Painting!.... and "Happy!Happy" back to "You"!!