The "Art God" was listening!... Prayer is powerful!...So is Patience! I awoke yesterday... and went directly to the studio....heartened to find that all areas of the painting... including the sky completely dry.This meant that I could proceed with my plan to proceed without fear of the drying problem again... because I had purchased two 200ml tubes of titanium alkyd white to carry to the end of this particular project... and well beyond!
I decided to begin work by more clearly defining the shapes, values and textures of the foreground field stone fence line. In so doing... I would be better able to compare states of finish required to balance the whole composition... the colour harmony and the play of light upon the various areas of interest and need... from back to front in the picture plane.
I spent a significant amount of time "scumbling" and "glazing" colour into the surface of individual stones... reshaping... defining... shading and adding crevices to create a semi-finished look on which I could compare front... middle and background planes. Afterward... I marched across weed and plant structure along the length and directly behind this wall... in a loose and "painterly" fashion to create a bridge between the rock and the furrowed field advancing to the foreground. I then added light and colour shifts in the furrows right into the plant masses.
Later in the evening after supper, I returned and began the "push-and-pull" process which in my own words means to subtly adjust edges... values and to add small amounts of detail in areas that merit attention. This activity can be seen clearly in the changes in the barn... house and even in the upper reaches of the fiery autumn trees... where shadows have been added... brights heightened... and evergreens added to provided variety and interest for the eye.Note that the huge "hump" of treeline to the left of the barns has been eliminated... and replaced with a lower horizon. Red leaves have been added to the taller trees and shrubs to the left. It is clear and encouraging to me now... that my decisions regarding the radiating furrows and the enlargement of the barn complex were successful strategies taken... all the risking worth the sweat!
Stay tuned for the next post or two... when the conclusion of this commission will be reached. "I" hope that this exercise and insight into "how" commissions can be made exciting and successfully reached through careful planning and ....PATIENCE!
Good Painting to ALL!
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