Thursday, August 6, 2009

More on the Algonquin Foray

Despite the fact that it rained...albeit and on over the entire three days that Deb and I were in the Park, it was refreshing to get away from the "din"of noise and activity from which there seems little escape close to any large urban area these days. I crave solitude at times...and this opportunity to get away ensures that I get this. We were the invited guests of my painting pal in the Park, David Kay and his lovely wife Diane. They own and operate The East gate Motel in Whitney, a small town on the very eastern entrance to the Park.

We get along... "like a house on fire"so the trip blends painting with friendship for all four of us.Thanks to the proliferation of black spruce that dominates every part of this pristeen wilderness, we were able to find locations suitable to paint well as cover when the inevitable showers came. Even the wind seemed to be on our side as well. Not too strong that the easel setups were safe...but strong enough that they held most of the mosquitoes and horseflies( which plague you during the summer months in Algonquin)at bay during the two and one half hour painting times.

David is both an accomplished painter and a woodsman who knows this country like the back of his hand, so finding new places to any season is an easy task.We both ended up completing three pretty good canvases...and Deb managed a nice waterfall scene as well. She has a nice touch I might add...and is growing in confidence in her efforts to paint on location.It is wonderful to have someone at your side who is willing to share the experience...and the rigours one must undergo at times to be "out there" I call it.

The word "plein air " seems hackneyed these days and seems to denote that anyone who paints a few pictures using this method produces superior work to that of artists who work in the studio. I have painted outdoors for almst thirty yearsand that all seasons has equipped me to feel both capable...and comfortable in the studio during times when the weather will not allow you to be "out there".Both types of painting support and depend upon each other.

Here are the other two "sketches" coming out of that Algonquin Adventure. Hope that you enjoy seeing them much as I did producing them.Green is beautiful!

"He leadeth me beside still restoreth my soul".Isn't that so true???

Good painting all!

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