I'm getting ready to step into a new commission for a client's home in Toronto. It will be a large commission... a canvas 36x48 inches based upon a combination of an actual mill site as it exists today in conjunction with a "historic"interpretation based upon old photographs and a historic atlas representation.
Tomorrow, I will be painting on site... sketching and making photo references of my own... looking for "ideas" that "I' can stitch together to form the basis for the final composition. "I" am quite excited... and really feel that the clients and "I" are on the same page in what we're all looking for as an outcome. This is a project that "I" can accept without any hesitation or concern.
I will be busy for a number of days... and away from this site... but I wanted to leave some food for thought... to perhaps extend the "ideas" and directions that I expressed in the last posts. "I" was truly encouraged by the comments and positive responses to the last post. Those comments simply confirmed a common belief that we all are unique in some fashion... in our goal-seeking and our motivations to create. As well... we all agreed that we were working in concert in our efforts to express some aspect of our experiences... our joy... our passions... our creative Selves.
The word "speak" was used over and over again to express the notion that our work can communicate just as eloquently... passionately and effectively as written language to the viewer who "feels"a chord struck "within". I have selected a favourite painting of my own from my past... one which "I" feel best substantiates my ongoing belief that paintings create opportunities for conversation and dialogue.
Tomorrow, I will be painting on site... sketching and making photo references of my own... looking for "ideas" that "I' can stitch together to form the basis for the final composition. "I" am quite excited... and really feel that the clients and "I" are on the same page in what we're all looking for as an outcome. This is a project that "I" can accept without any hesitation or concern.
I will be busy for a number of days... and away from this site... but I wanted to leave some food for thought... to perhaps extend the "ideas" and directions that I expressed in the last posts. "I" was truly encouraged by the comments and positive responses to the last post. Those comments simply confirmed a common belief that we all are unique in some fashion... in our goal-seeking and our motivations to create. As well... we all agreed that we were working in concert in our efforts to express some aspect of our experiences... our joy... our passions... our creative Selves.
The word "speak" was used over and over again to express the notion that our work can communicate just as eloquently... passionately and effectively as written language to the viewer who "feels"a chord struck "within". I have selected a favourite painting of my own from my past... one which "I" feel best substantiates my ongoing belief that paintings create opportunities for conversation and dialogue.
While it required an unusually lengthy time to actually be resolved... I feel that it illustrates that process needn't be hurried or predictable as it is approached. Each painting has its own place in time and each is a stepping stone to the next.I have kept this painting for myself (for now) because it is a narrative of sorts about my journey and "I" do feel attached to it in so many ways. It is a large oil painting signed and dated 2006 as the completion point. The title is in fact... "As Time Goes By"
This title has three planes of reference. The "Idea" for this painting first emerged in the form of a rough, shorthand line "scribble" on a scrap of loose paper... referred to as "Post Graduate Study" in October of 1979. The "Idea" surfaces again in October , 2001... in a sketchbook where the compositional form and interior are developed further... but again are left unresolved.
This title has three planes of reference. The "Idea" for this painting first emerged in the form of a rough, shorthand line "scribble" on a scrap of loose paper... referred to as "Post Graduate Study" in October of 1979. The "Idea" surfaces again in October , 2001... in a sketchbook where the compositional form and interior are developed further... but again are left unresolved.
During my son's swimming lesson at a local resort on July 9th, 2003... I played around with several ideas using ink thumbnails and finally arrived at the final window format and basic composition. The final push and commencement of the actual 36x30 inch canvas would not begin until November 3rd, 2003... finishing in fits and starts in August of 2006.
The space between the conception of the "Idea"... and the completion spans almost 24 years of thinking... rethinking... "playing" and then arriving at the point of distillation... where all parts were in place and "I" was certain of the path to take. I also had acquired more tools and techniques... like glazing for my toolbox in between that prepared me to deal with the satisfactory conclusion of this canvas... and "Idea".
"As Time Goes By" can be seen to be an appropriate title by itself. But if "You" care to "read" the elements of the painting... "You" might find yet another explanation for the use of this title. "I" will leave that to "You"... to further enter the "conversation"... or not.
One last extra fact. "As Time Goes By".... Casa Blanca... my Dad's favourite song... one that he closed out many dances he played at... over his 50 years of entertaining with his art form... his piano styling!
There are so many reasons and ways to make Art. Choose your own and ...
Good Painting to "You"!
All of are all in the process of becoming what we will be.... just like our paintings...
ReplyDeleteBe well!
"As Time Goes By" has captured that sense of nostalgia which most of us experience occasionally - and too bad "nostalgia" has become a somewhat deprecated emotion, consigned and trivialized into meaning over sentimentality and schlock - I regard it as noting the steps of one's life, a slight wish perhaps to return to a previous time and place, or just enjoying and basking in warm memories; what is life without our memories? I too have taken years to finalize in paint an idea that starts vague and small and stews quietly in the back of my mind, but I think the longest "cook time" was nine years. Twenty four years must be some kind of record! And perfectly cooked food is worth whatever the wait time is:-)
ReplyDeleteHi Marian!... Well said my Friend! Each life is a journey in progress... each journey a unique masterpiece... in the making.
ReplyDeleteEach of us are pilgrims seeking knowledge of the Self... hoping to gain more meaning and purpose at each station along the way.
So nice to share part of the journey with others... who understand and seek the same Truth... in their own ways.
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi Karen!... Through each of our new "conversations"... it becomes more and more apparent to "Me" how parallel our journeys and thoughts are!
ReplyDelete"I" was very blessed to have been raised by two parents who created an environment where one could safely express all emotions openly and where respect for nostalgia... heritage and other points of view was encouraged and valued.
"I" deem it a great compliment given my work... for "You" to recognize it for what it is. "I" truly and deeply admire your artistic ability... your sensitivity... your discipline and your wonderful sense of Truth!
It is soothing and uplifting to share "Ideas"... and thoughts... even from a distance! Thank "You" for your visit and encouraging words!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
A truly poignant piece, a sense of time standing still. Most touching to me are the little tin soldiers...
ReplyDeleteThank You Autumn!... for your visit and for jumping into the "conversation"... with your own feelings and observations.
ReplyDeleteObviously... you got the drift intended in the piece and the reasons for including each part of the composition.
This pair of tin soldiers... the remnants of a Marine Corps Band that I owned... and cherished because their arms and instruments moved and their great attention to painted detail. My brother and I played with them in our livingroom and backyard endlessly... during our early "Dinky Toy" years.
I still have a few soldiers and artillery cannons in my studio and passed on the remainder of our large army collection to my son Andrew and my brother Don.I still cherish them as much today... as I did back then.
As Karen so beautifully put it in her lovely comment above. Being nostalgic and sentimental... or better still ... sensitive is too often written off in our society as cliche... passe... and looked down upon.
At this part of my journey... memories displace the seeming futility (to Me)... in today's society to worship and chase the buck... and travel at the speed of light... missing all that's around them. There seems little interest in gratitude or seeking quiet places... think!
My art continually..."leads "Me" beside still waters... and restores my Soul".
That's my only reason for continuing this journey "I' have chosen. "I" have been blessed to found Peace and Happiness... Heaven on Earth!
Good Painting Autumn!
Warmest regards,
"As Time Goes By" One of favorite songs and Casablanca another favorite. The older I get, the faster the time goes by. But that aside, one thing that remains constant Bruce, your Great Talent. Good luck with your commission. Thank you for sharing.
Hi again Joan!
ReplyDelete"AS Time Goes By"... it does indeed seem to speed up as all of us age!
However... precious markers along our journeys such as favourite ol' tunes... memorable flicks... Friends old and new.. like "You" Joan... make that "Time" worthwhile... and well spent!
Thank You for your always encouraging words and presence Joan. Both mean a lot to "Me"!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteYour painting is a trip down memory lane. It recalls treasured memories of childhood. They are an important part of the journey.
Sometimes when the world gets too much I visit these times and they make me smile. I, too like the tin soldiers, they bring to mind my brother playing with his for hours.
As Time Goes By one of my favorites!! Thank you Bruce.
Hi Sue!.... Those memories along with "Those" who enabled "Me" to have them are with "Me" on this journey... till the end!
ReplyDelete"As Time Goes By"... (more quickly than ever it seems)... and especially in this troubled world... the memories become more precious than ever.
"I" not only choose to remember and revisit that childhood... "I" choose not to surrender "The Child" that made them... and to stop "playing"!!
"I" sense that "You" feel the same Sue!
Good Painting... and "playing"!
Warmest regards,
A beautiful, evocative painting. I love the theme, composition and colors. The 24 years between inception and completion were very fruitful years.
ReplyDeleteHi Teresa!... Thank "You" for visiting... and for your gracious and encouraging comments!
ReplyDeleteEvery painting has its own time. Some "Ideas" take longer to distill... just like good whiskey!HAHA!!
However the waiting is worth it all... when the outcome feels complete.It took all of those twenty-four years for the "Idea" to fully mature... and for "Me" to be able to technically deal with the handing and its the challenges.
A very satisfying project!Well worth the wait!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
I'm glad to have found this and to have read your story. For a long while now i have been longing to do a "significant" piece. I am not sure what it is yet, but know in my heart it will come when it needs to. Your painting is just such a significant art work and it captivated me for a long while reminding me of so many things. Simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing the story and the painting.
ReplyDeleteBlessings always.
Hi back to you Ross!... "I" too am glad that we have connected! It is indeed wonderful to share ideas and to encourage each other as members of a community of artists and art lovers!
ReplyDeleteIn visiting your site... it is abundantly clear to "Me" that "You" have both the passion and talent to achieve whatever you wish to with your art. Sky's the limit!
The last ingredients are discipline and simply painting. "Significant" pieces will come and go in your production as you risk... change and stretch your mastery of techniques over time.Keep "Ideas" in a sketchbook... even if they are just shorthand notes n' doodles! Carry it everywhere in your daily travels.
"I" wish "you well on that journey... and much Peace, Joy, Health... and Success!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce. Thanks so much for your encouraging words. They came at a very good time! Smile! It is such an insular existence this art life and i sometimes can be too inward in my thinking without that connection.
ReplyDeleteIt was so good to be reminded too of the sketch books which i used to do all the time in my earlier art days. I've often used the ideas they contained to build a painting. And too your advice about "just painting".
I was so nervous when i first got my studio and the brush strokes were tentative. After i got going i soon found out why people say "just paint". Things begin to happen. Styles develop, ideas come, brush strokes become more confident and paintings have emotion.
It is quite exciting and am encouraged now to press on. Sometimes i do not feel anything i do is acceptable. Then other days it all seems good! Smile! It is so great to meet you Bruce and all the other artist you have visiting here. I believe all artists are adding beauty and truth to a world so desperately i need of both. I admire and respect them for that and hope to do the same. Blessings to each and every one.
Hi back again Ross!... "I" am indeed pleased to read of your enthusiasm to settle into your own studio and your work. Becoming an artist... and "I" still am and always will be learning... each and every day that I step to the easel and into another project. It is a liflong journey Ross.
ReplyDeleteLike all other pursuits... and even Life in general making Art is about "Highs" n' "lows".... gains and losses... each one contributing in its own unique way to one's development as a person... and an artist. Note the order... important!
Just commit your Self to a reasonable set of goals... both for short and long term growth. Then paint your heart out my Friend! No painting is a failure - it is a learning experience... and in your own case... a piece of paper that was once void of any feeling.
Again, "I" wish "You" well Ross... and look forward to many more chats. Calgary is a wonderful area to live in... I painted in the Kananaskis region at Ribbon Creek... and Banff MAGNIFICENT... is the word!
Good painting... and searching! Have fun!
Warmest regards,
ReplyDeleteThis has such a nostalgic feel to it. Very Andrew Wyeth.
Hi Mary!... Thank "You" for the visit... and for the "Wyeth" reference! Being mentioned in the very same breath as my long time most favourite artist... is a considerable honour!
ReplyDeleteI was very much compared in my earlier watercolour years when I shared his passion for dry brushed rural subjects... and his love for use of the pencil for studies leading up to the final paintings.
I own just about everything published about Andrew and his illustious father NC and was raised... and "teethed on" the many classics he so beautifully and accurately illustrated.
Thank "You" for the compliment Mary!
Good painting!
Warmest regards,