We have been subject to an intense and unusually unseasonable July heat wave here in our area. Only a complete fool would venture outside to paint in these temperatures... even in the shade! I am now allergic to the sun... having overdosed in UV from years of painting in weather that was equally punishing. Fool hardy is the word that come to mind! Whenever I am out... I lather on 60 level sun block... and look for a large elm "umbrella" to set up under! HA HA!
Last Saturday evening... my large quadriptych... "The Magnificence of Algonquin Through the Seasons" - 6 feetx 12 feet (bottom jpeg) was featured at the Grand Opening for The Point Gallery in summer community Big Bay Point, located east of Barrie on the shores of Lake Simcoe. The owners Nicola Sammeroff and her husband Jonathan Cohen hosted a cocktail party for a special list of invited guests from the summer home and cottage community of which they and their family are long time residents.
They asked Deb and I to attend... and asked if I would entertain the idea of conducting a painting demonstration to introduce their clients to me and my work. I agreed... and after some soul-searching... decided to use a recent sketch as the impetus for that demonstration. I chose the recently posted "Summer Zephyr, Wolfe Island"... a 12x16 inch canvas (jpeg 2nd from bottom)... I felt that this subject "raised up" to a larger studio format that evening... would give an accurate picture of how I take my plein air studies to the studio format and higher level of focus and finish.
I selected a 24x30 inch black t0ned canvas and followed the same pathway as the quadriptych. I quickly laid in the preliminary linear "map/guide"... recording only basic and very roughly laid in essentials... and then jumped into the painting process... beginning by laying in transparently stained blocks of colour so that the black area took on a sort of stained glass appearance. I let that set for about ten minutes.... and answered multiple questions from the gathering of adults and children who stood watching. You guessed it! The kids offered the most challenging and interesting questions... they always do!
I then began laying in the heavier layers of pigment gradually to a point where the black canvas was all but opaquely covered in its entirety. I added a few of the details that I intended to add in a later session... to demonstrate how one reaches the next level of finish. I heightened the lighting effects slightly... but again not entirely... wishing to save that until I was alone to concentrate and work more gradually. The entire process from black canvas to final lay in... as seen in (2nd jpeg from top) began at 7:15 pm... and ended at 8:40 pm... just as the evening light was fading. A great time to bring things to a halt.
Although the quadriptych is as yet unsold... I had two seriously interested couples... who have both the money and the space to own it... should they wish to do so. But more importantly... the word "Magnificent" was uttered over and over again from adults who value fine art... and from children who respond truthfully and "call it as they see it". This validates my very reason for creating the piece. My painting created the very same awe on this wall... so very far away from Opeongo Road in Algonquin Park and the deep feelings of respect for this wilderness... as it does in me ... always! Sold... unsold... it doesn't matter. It's that it "is"... and has been completed!
The last jpeg shows the finished Painting entitled "Windswept July Meadow, Wolfe Island, Ontario -oil on canvas 24x30 inches....( as the jpeg shown at the top). You can note that this painting has been "revised"... intentionally. The sketch will remain in my possession... the painting will be on the block... and hopefully sold.
My painting... and Deb and I met new friends and gained a feeling that our combined vision and efforts are worthwhile. In this very sad and discouraging economy... any "leg up" sustains Faith and Optimism. We all need a large dose of that in these trying times!
Back to the easel!
Good Painting to all!
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteNice work. I like the glowing light in the final version.
I'm glad to hear that the quadriptych produced the reaction that you hoped it would.
All the best,
Hi there Keith!... We both love that evening afterglow... aka gloamin!
ReplyDeleteIt is always creates in one...a wonderful feeling when one receives feedback that corresponds to the aims and objectives you hoped to achieve in making a statement through a painting! That is the pay back!
Good painting!
Warmest regards,
I think this is the first time I've ever heard you mention anything with a bit of sadness in your tone, Bruce (your last paragraph). But I echo your sentiments. Love this newest painting and it is nice to see your all seasons piece again too. I can't believe how quickly you painted this latest piece. It seems to take at least days, if not weeks, for me to finish a piece.
ReplyDeleteHi Sherry!.... Thanks for your visit and comments!
ReplyDeleteYou mistake my tone for sadness Sherry! There is is no intent on my part to show any sadness... for I feel none.What I intended was just the joy I felt in sharing my work with new friends... especially the children!
Perhaps your reference is related to my mention that the large piece being unsold. I well realized when I painted this "opus".... that merely because of its(over)size... and obviously large price tag attached... that it would wait... and especially in this economy... longer for the right clients to want it badly enough for their very large home.
I have become a patient man Sherry and it was never about money... ever in my life and most especially in my art. "It" will leave when it has the opportunity to be seen for what I already feel it is... and the stars are right!HA HA!
It gave "Me" great joy and satisfaction to hear from people... (especially from the children) who live with the things they can afford... that they too felt the awe and majesty of this piece. I already had felt that same joy every time that I have ever gone to the Park. They felt and responded to it it with joy... through my painting. That's my "paycheck" Sherry!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
I was thinking along the same lines as Autumn Leaves too. What is exciting is that you gave this brilliant demo to these people and that they enjoyed it so much. The awe of your large painting is important too, you are making folk 'feel something' and that is what great art is about! sunshine and shadows that is our life, the shadows make the sunshine that much brighter. This is a wonderful post, it is heart felt!
ReplyDeleteThank "You" Caroline for your kind words of encouragement!
ReplyDeleteI learned ever so long ago... that offering opinion through verbal expression runs the risk of being misinterpreted... or worse being offered in a heavy-handed... too forceful manner.
Though I have always felt confident and ready to share my ideas openly...I have always valued my visual expression above my oral... but since going through the process of writing, editing and publishing my own book I came to realize that they could be used in unison to support the other.
This blog is an example.. I feel where ideas can be shared and discussed without "preaching"... being judgemental or fear of reproach. The blog simply is an open platform for discussion and across-the-world sharing.
"You" are one of the many "reasons" why "I" continue to reach out with passion... genuine caring and friendship! Thank "You" for participating... and sharing Caroline!
Good Sketching!... and Happy Summer!
Warmest regards,
congratulations bruce! incredible work as always. so glad things went so well, how could they not with the combination of your work and your "self!" and this heat, it's just beyond reason. take care, stay cool.
ReplyDeleteHi there Suzanne!.... Your warm comments... area nice change from this treacherous and unrelenting heat wave! Thanks for those... and your welcome visit!
ReplyDeleteStaying cool... and cooling our jets is about that all one can do in the situation! Lots of reading... thinking and planning... in my cool bedroom and livingroom are the order of the day!
Stay cool yourself Suzanne! Loved your latest pet portrait...Exquisite piece as always!
Good Painting... and a Cool(er)Summer!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your well deserved MAGNIFICENT comments from the group of admirers. I only have one thing to say to you Bruce, make a dvd so that we can hear and see you in action. Your works is truly MAGNIFICENT!!!
Oh yes stay Cool, this heat wave has it us on Long Island as well.
All the best to you,
Hi Joan!... Thank "You" for your encouraging remarks!
ReplyDeleteI think that the closest I will get to a dvd is the tape that Rogers Cable Television made of the demo that I did in the spring. In another life perhaps... I just want to paint my way through to the end of this one!
Stay cool yourself my friend! Painting your way through a heat wave can be dangerous! Find the shade and paint from it! Good for you for braving the heat!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Hi Bruce.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful painting, wonderful. Sorry to hear about the heat. All the best Bruce.
Thanks Vic!... For the viait and your complimentary remarks!
ReplyDeleteThe weather is the weather... outside of our human hands... thank heavens! One must simply grin and bare it... in its many forms season to season. It will pass... and the cold will bother us! HA HA!!
Good Painting and Happy Summer Vic!
Warmest regards,