Autumn...for "Me"...has always served as a time for reflecting back...and ahead. The decrease in human activity on the back roads, lakes and rivers affords "Me" places to retreat to for spiritual renewal and inward thought. Some call this meditation...others it what you will. To "Me" it is simply a "zone" where the Self can be "One" with Creation.
The richly coloured backdrop of colour....the scent of the brisk morning air... laden with ripening frost-touched plants and the Silence create a Space not unlike the inner sanctum of any cathedral I have visited. To be "alone"... truly alone in this space is not melancholic...not despairing...but rather euphoric...uplifting for my Soul. I never fail to return renewed and enriched...positive about my own life and the blessings which are mine. In the "hurly-burly", competitive world we are forced to live in... we often forget our blessings...common everyday things such as the f-words.Words like and fortune (not to be confused with money).
My annual foray...or retreat into Algonquin Park is simply a pilgrimage for "Me" to be alone and to give thanks for these blessings from my Creator....who DOES liveth in these wild spaces. When I am there in this space with its creatures and cycles of life..."I" am simply "One". My painting takes "me" deeper and completely into this meditative state. Time and earthly care have no place or governance over my life here. Though the time is short for visit and at some point even my own "Being" the scheme of things..."I feel no evil"...and "it restoreth my soul". Just blurred mouthed words to many...but deeply felt and understood within "Me".
And on this our Thanksgiving weekend... "I" wish all my family,friends and visitors to this site... many Blessings... and a Happy Thanksgiving! Good painting!
Your words reminded me how the interiors of European Gothic cathedrals resemble trees, with their columns and vaulted ceilings. I believe that they were built with that in mind, so it seems that people have always found forests to be spiritual places.