Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Art Links With Life... Love Conquers All

My artistic and life journeys have been inextricably linked since early childhood. I have never viewed them, or felt them as separate... which likely accounts for ever present references to my life experiences in this art blog. I feel that the transparency of my sharing either journey adds further insight into the processes of how I live... think and create.

My art is deeply affected by events in my daily life... people that I meet... interesting natural sightings... and  the collision with outside influences such as music... radio and newspaper. My work kneads together all of these life ingredients into a "dough"... which when baked in my "oven" becomes my "daily bread."

My post this morning exemplifies how this process works and as well... points out that my process also belongs to my beloved daughter in her work. Though hers at present is an academic art journey and is heavily governed by research and teaching... it began in a high school art classroom where a special mentor encouraged the art spark into a passion which has led her to carry and to share that flame with her around the world to students and peer scholars.

This morning, I shall set out to demonstrate to you how Art weaves together lives. How Art breathes life... Joy and Hope into the most dire of life experiences. Art is all about Passion... and therefore Love. This post will present evidence in pictures and words that... "Love conquers all." 

Let's back the bus back to Friday, September 11th, 2015... back to a milestone event in my daughter Allison... and her family's life journey together. The event takes place in the oncology unit at Kingston General Hospital and marks the conclusion of Allison's eight gruelling chemotherapy treatments which commenced in June.

Nothing could have convinced me... or any of us a year ago that our "continuing education" paths would lead us together to this moment and place. But for me personally... the journey has indeed been an education into a vast and confusing labyrinth of faces... feelings and facts about a world that I had never visited. I remain somewhat overwhelmed and bewildered... but I am better educated... and more deeply grateful for the substance of my learning.

I do not wish to upset or overwhelm any of you with details, I wish simply to share the message and gift of Love that our family has been blessed to gain... in the hopes that it might cause you to pause in your separate lives to feel more grateful for your own health... lives and your creative pursuits. I will let these images appropriately do most of the talking for the remainder of this post.

Friends... "stick"... together!!!

"Let's get at 'er..."

Allie shares her daily care cards... one by one with each team member

My draw... how appropriate between Allie and I...

Sited... or sighted... on Allie's ankle - a love talisman woven for her by one of her  students... just one of many other student creations... even a patchwork quilt worn at her first chemo treatment. Love and art inextricably entwined!

... and from the Dean of her department... yes... the "Finger"... a cast of the dean's own hand bedecked with the pink Ribbon of Hope. Pretty well says it all... in an appropriately irreverent artful gesture. The power of Art!

Fresh pictures from Wee Mac... for Auntie Allie. Bro' Andyrewster... as always the Jester and lead carrier of the Sherman Smile and Laughter Corp! Thank you Son!

Nurse-Navigator-Friend Cheryl Barber... our beloved Lady of Hope... more laughter and mayhem in the making!

A model of Courage... Humility and Pride... Most beautiful are "You" dear Allison!

The Queen of Chemo on her Throne... soon to be

... unplugged!

To the great joy of Team Allie

Left is Dawn... who brings the Light to each day at Queen's for Allie... The Queen ... and Dad

Andyrewster... Mom the Miracle Worker... and best friend ALWAYS... Elana

Allie celebrating the end of chemo ritual... "Ringing the Bell" which signifies the departure from dreaded "Chemo Lane" with new vigor and renewed Hope for better Health. As we left the chemo parlour as a celebrating family... I was deeply touched... no moved to tears to see the faces of each of the other chemo recipients smile as broadly and genuinely as if it were they themselves who were leaving. Such a bitter-sweet moment... Love conquers ALL!!!

Allie always her own alchemist... adds her own "Bell tone". Gonging up on Cancer... with her borrowed yoga gong...

The clan Simpson-Sherman... "Love shines..."

To close out this post... I dedicate this post to Nurse Cheryl Barber and all of the oncology nursing and support staff. We could not have faced this labyrinth of fear and hurt without each of you. Know that your tireless daily contributions on behalf of all cancer patients makes the ordeal bearable and more palatable.

Rich blessings and our deepest gratitude to all of you on behalf of we Shermans!

Love can conquer ALL... when we stand as one in Faith... Hope and Purpose!


  1. Thank you for sharing Bruce! I wept with joy at the family photo. Your faces show the great strength of love!!!! God bless.

  2. Thanks for responding thus Karen!

    Love can conquer many things in Life... if one's heart is open to Redemption... and Forgiveness... as the Family photo clearly demonstrates! "We"... are greatly blessed to have each other... and good longtime Friends... like "You"!

    THanks for taking the time to check in!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  3. Grace and courage under fire. You rock, Allie!

  4. Thanks for adding your supportive words Sherry!

    Allie has been our "rock" - Gibraltar"... nothing short of it!

    Love conquers all...

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  5. I'm so touched by this post.... What a strong, supportive, and courageous family! God bless you all!

  6. Thank you Wendy for these supportive words.

    "We"... as a family are richly blessed... and grateful for the blessings our family has been accorded on our journey. I sincerely hope that others realize as you do... that "Love does conquer all"... and I do mean ALL!

    God bless you for sharing your words of Hope!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards and thanks,
    Bruce (and Family)

  7. Lovely post Bruce wishing Allie continued health and happiness. And to you and your family.

  8. Thanks for sharing your best wishes Lass!

    Health and Happiness sent your way nas well.

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  9. I am so honored that you chose to share this with your viewers - and had a very good laugh over the Finger with the pink ribbon = F Cancer, indeed!!! All the best to you all, family, friends, especially Allie with her gorgeous smile and that one of her laughing out loud = fantastic!!! This is the way it's done - straight on and full speed ahead; this part done and now the healing really begins. When you have this kind of "team" on your side, how can the winds blow you off course? :) Big (((HUGS))) to you all.

  10. The support that Friends like "You"... "from away" send our way makes it so much easier to face the Minotaur... dreaded "C"!!!

    Thank you ever so much for your continued presence and support... it truly does fuel our courage.

    BIG HUGS back to you Rhonda!

    Good Fall Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  11. Hi Bruce, I'm glad to see that Allie has passed another milestone on her road to recovery. Her cheerful spirit and courage throughout is heart-warming.

    Thinking of you and yours,
    all the best,

  12. Thank you Keith... for your continued support. "She" is indeed a special gal... and has maintained the "cheerful spirit and courage" that she has always carried with her. I am deeply proud of her... for countless reasons!

    Good Fall Painting!
    Warmest regards,
