My son Liam joined me for an outdoor painting trip to the small rural village of Kettleby... as a part of a provincial program in all high schools across Ontario on November 4th. It provides students a hands onopportunity to gain insight into the work-a-day world of their Dads. I was most happy and honoured to have Liam join "ME"... to share time with me and to better understand that my making art through painting... is indeed work and an alternative way to earn a living.
The day was chilly...and on several occasions spit a bit of rain... but in general, it was very pleasing... and productive for us both. I had chosen Kettleby as our target destination because I have painted there on many occasions before. Not only are there numerous sites to choose from in this small area... but the whole village is "painter-friendly" and welcoming. There were a few changes since my last visit several years ago... but the hamlet and its people cling to their rural roots and heritage fervently. Many of the homes are restored to their original glory...and bear plaques with the names, occupations and dates on their facades.
During the course of our day-long session... we were visited over and over by inquisitive,interested and friendly citizens... as they came to pick up their mail... or to have lunch at the new Italian Bakery/Bistro located just up the street from where we had set up. I was very proud of the confident and informative conversations that Liam initiated on his own to answer their many questions.Self-esteem... present and accounted for!
We ourselves wandered into the establishment before starting...and found to our surprise that the friendly woman owner...a recent escapee from the "Big Smoke" (Toronto) served a wide selection of "Hot" lunch possibilities... and the full gamut of Bistro beverages. Gone at once was the initial plan to eat the cold lunches that I had brought along!
Liam jumped into the process and selected our elegant century old brick...Ontario central floor plan... with good details about it to support a good painting session. Good eye Son! I offered a little encouragement and a few strategies to get him started into the drawing part. I told him just to "grab on to my shirt tail"... and follow the leader... and to ask questions when he encountered any problems. At first, he was a little tentative and uncertain about proceeding... but within a half hour he was running full steam ahead...seldom asking for more than colour mixing tips. By our much anticipated lunch break... we both were sitting with a good structure... and lay in.
The wonderful, delicious... and HOT "vittles"... accompanied by a steaming mug of Earl Grey Black tea propped up our painting spirits... and dissolved any reservations or reluctance either of us might have had before lunch. We launched directly... without missing a beat into the painting mode. Within another hour and a half... we both agreed that we had enough recorded... to take the studio for fine tuning on the upcoming weekend. We packed up the gear cleaned our brushes and hands and then delivered all of our rags, etc to the bag I keep in the van. I stressed the ABSOLUTE importance of leaving the site as pristine as we had found it. In that way... we insured a hearty welcome ...if we ever returned.
I am including some photos taken during the foray that illustrate the total success of this project...and the Dad Day for Liam and "I". I think that a picture does "say the same as a thousand words". The picture of Liam's radiantly smiling face says it all.
"Art Matters!...and so do our children." Together they say we lived and accomplished good during our given days here on this beautiful Earth. They are our gifts to future generations. Why do our powerful decision-makers in government and educational policy-making continue to underfund..devalue... even worse.. eliminate the Arts programmes in our schools? What kind of society will we project and leave behind without encouraging the Arts? Imagine a world without pictures, music, literature or dance.What a sad and bleak place to exist.. not "live" in...a land void of dreams...or dreamers!
Good Painting to ALL!!!
I can't agree more --that work in the field of art is "devalued" in our countries. It makes me sad for the young people..because if their heart is in the arts they are not encouraged...sometimes even discouraged. It is great to see your son and his painting...he chose a complex subject and he did a first rate job of it.! Congratulations to you both! I hope he will accompany you more in the future. He's a "natural."
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments Celeste! "I" am very proud of his effort... but mostly proud of the fine young man "He" is fast becoming! The world will have need of young leaders with a conscience... and dreams! Thanks for dropping by!
ReplyDeleteGood Painting!
Before too long, there might be another artist added to the Paint Box Gallery roster. Great post. Your artwork is full of life, beautifully capturing light and movements. Thanks for your visit and kind words.
ReplyDeleteWow! As a proud dad myself, I found your post moving and inspirational..How pure and rich of a day you had with your son. You are beaming through your words...wonderful stuff. Well done my good man.
ReplyDeleteall the best,
Hi Todd!.....Thanks for your uplifting comments! There is no greater compliment than that received from a "peer"... whose life and work "You" admire yourself.
ReplyDeleteIn coping with the "inequities of life"... such as those mentioned in my post... THERE IS comfort in the knowledge... that "You" are not alone in your thoughts and values. Thank "You"...for taking the time to "shore up" my Hope...and my determination to continue to "Speak out"...using my blog and my daily contact with those "I" meet on my journey!
Good Painting my Friend!
It sounds as though you got just as much out of the day as Liam - a'Dads' Day' as well really.
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed reading your posts about your working methods. It's always interesting to see how other people work.
Thanks Keith... for stopping by and for commenting! As always ...your comments are "right on the money". I did indeed get as much out of the experience as Liam. AS his father...I am ALWAYS heartened to see "Him" become multi-faced... willing to risk and reach out into his world!
ReplyDeleteGlad also that my working methods posts are enjoyable as well. I too... enjoy seeing how others approach the creative process. Always open to learn...and to share!
Cheers...and Good Painting!
great post bruce
ReplyDeleteand wonderfull results
i tried to take my boy out painting
he went home half way thru
guess the playstation was calling
Thanks Rob!....It was a great day... in every way! Better give that lad of yours another time "out there"! My lad is a computer guy too...but hey!....There are other things in life...Outdoor things! Thanks for dropping by!
ReplyDeleteGood Painting!