Monday, March 2, 2020

"What a Difference A Day Makes... " Part Two

And what a difference - when one is prepared physically and mentally to paint... be it inside or outside. It is the state of mind that sets the tempo for success in creating anything.

Certainly on this occasion, the weather was more than cooperative... providing sunny conditions and without gusting winds to provide further discouragement.The extra snow that had fallen overnight further created interesting contrast and shadows to enliven the dull grayness of the previous day.

I considered scrapping the first misfire, but decided against it.. just to prove to myself that something positive is gathered simultaneously along with "failure." It is a point of view really. Is it really total failure... or could it be changed into a... learning opportunity.

I had seen David's quick and successful response... even in the drabness of the first outing, so why not keep the perspective and shape into my own new view using the positive aspects offered today! Onward...

I will fast forward the process right to the finished result. One two and a half hour session... and done. Sign it!

"Spring... is just around the Corner" - oil on canvas 10 x 12 inches

Sure is beginning to feel that way...

Good Spring Painting... to All!!!


  1. Good Evening Bruce,

    What a little gem this turned out to be. It just goes to show that it's always worth trying to do something, and that we shouldn't be too quick to discard a diappointing piece.

    I hope you are all OK. We are having to isolate ourselves here, which pretty much means life as normal for us!

    All the best,

  2. Good evening Keith... What a great joy it is to hear from you again. You are so right. "Don't give up the ship!"... remains a solid toe hold and safe place to continue one's work.

    We are A-okay for now here as well... and like you... Life isn't really changed all that much for either Deb or I. Imposed isolation and solitude are pretty much the norm for most serious artists (I believe).

    Let's stay in touch and continue to share our news... ideas and of course new paintings.

    Stay safe... and Good Spring Painting!
    Warmest regards,

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