Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Autumn Idyll....

"Waiting For Winter"-oil on canvas 10x8 inches

Autumn Idyll - oil on canvas 8x10 inches

Idyll: (noun) a scene or time of peace and happiness; a description in literatureof a picturesque and charming scene or episode

My blogging friend in Wales Rob Ijbema visited my last post "River Vesper" and commented that I must live in an idyllic place... and I surely do! Both the Oro-Medonte through to Georgian Bay and Muskoka ( The Thirty Thousand Islands) and Rockort-Gananoque in The Thousand Islands are in their own rights.... both Paradise! I am blessed to be able to call both my home!

Autumn... bringing with it change in terms of weather and activity... in both the natural and human worlds is a time for reflection and contemplation. It is also that wonderful part of the year that plein air enthusiasts look forward to because of high colour...waning warmth and freedom from insect invasions and interruption.

In short... idyllic well suits the conditions of Autumn for painting outdoors on location. It is a brief period of time... and can be cut shorter by rainy conditions that can dominate this entire part of the year. None the less... spirits run high to get "out there"... and to push paint in quiet places. That is indeed the case for "Me."

I have been fine tuning my eye and palette this week... working on smaller canvases in preparation for my annual foray to Algonquin Park to paint with my painting friend David Kay, who lives on the edge of The Park at Whitney... at the East Gate entrance. The weather this week has been steady showers and thunderstorms... so that impacted my decision further to wait for better weather... hopefully next week.

My last three images... all in the 8x10 inch format is not my favourite, or most comfortable choice of canvas to work on in the field. I prefer larger canvases ranging from 16x20 inch upwards to 36x48 inches... which allow big brush exploration... application and movement.

That said... I am very satisfied with the loose... contemplative and quiet nature of all three of these smallish works. I feel that they hit the mark and are evocative of a contemplative mood of that brief moment in time that we fondly call Autumn. I hope that you enjoy viewing them as well.

Good luck all... with your own Autumn painting... wherever you live! Get "out there"... and simply paint... and enjoy the warmth and beauty of your own world!

Good Painting to ALL!


  1. Hi Bruce, these are nice autumn scenes, especially the first one. I like the texture in them.

    I hope you get a spell of good weather soon.

    All the best,

  2. Your Autumn Idyll is stunning. Our color has not yet exploded in Maine. I'm sure it's just around the corner...

  3. Hi there Keith!... Thanks for your visit and for your enthusiastic and positive remarks!

    Fall is an exciting and envigourating time to be painting on location. The colour and contrasting greens make it ever so easy to lay on the pigment... and I do!

    Good weather is forecast... so onward! Stay tuned!

    Fair weather... and Good Fall Painting to you Keith!

    Warmest regards,

  4. Hi there Susan...Nice of you to drop by! I will get over to your lovely site to visit today!

    Thank you for you encouraging response to "Autumn Idyll". The scene is simply that - idyllic... and screamed to be painted!

    The colour is ramping up here... right on schedule really... despite the strange weather patterns. It is a truly inspiring time to paint for us here in hard maple-rich Ontario... and for you in Maine. The hardwoods realy do add that extra colour punch don't they?

    Good fall Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  5. two beautiful paintings, Bruce!! The second one is outstanding with all those wonderful Autumn colors..We still don't have those colors yet...soon enough! Love the reflections in the water as well!!

  6. Hi there Hilda!... Thanks for dropping by and for the kind comments regarding these pieces!

    There is nothing quite as beautiful or inspiring as Autumn in all of its majesty and colour!

    Deb and I will be heading off on my annual fall painting sortie to Algonquin Park on Monday for a few days of painting with my painting pal David Kay... and his lovely wife Diane. Good times ahead for sure!

    Stay tuned !...

    Good painting to you Hilda!
    Warmest regards,

  7. Both pieces are just so stunning, Bruce. I find myself wishing my home was situated within the trees as this little blue cottage is. And that green boathouse/house? A dream home to my mind. And the autumn season is the best of all of them to showcase the beauty of both places. So sorry if I've disappointed you on the blog thing. I'm already getting super frustrated with WordPress. I don't know what I'm going to do.

  8. Hi there Sherry!... Thanks for dropping by and for the grand comments!

    Autumn is indeed a beautiful and inspiring time for us all. Do enjoy your atutumn Sherry... it's very brief!

    You haven't disappointed me at all with your decision Sherry... I clearly whichever decision you made. It would seem that you are spending too much time blaming your Self... and ceding to the pressures and views of far too many other people. It's time for you to step up to the plate for your Self and value the good person that "You" my humble opinion!!

    Good luck with it all!
    Warmest regards,

  9. ideally idilic! your painting, where you live, your optimistic, bright outlook! all ideally idiltc...if that's a word. beautiful work and words as always bruce! thank you!

  10. Hi Bruce,

    You fall painting are magnificent. It doesn't matter what size canvas or board you paint on, Bruce my friend you are just one great artist.

    All the best to you,

  11. Hi there Suzanne!... Thanks for your kind words of encouragement!

    We are indeed truly blessed to live in this idyllic environment. One has not to travel very far to find solitude and subject matter to paint!

    How can one not be optimistic in such a place to live! I am deeply blessed!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  12. Thank you Joan for all of your encouragement!

    It is a blessing to have so many friends like "You" to share ideas and words of encouragement with!

    All of us need that kind of support to make our search and journey meaningful! Thank you Joan!

    Good Fall Painting!
    Warmest regards,
