Shards of ice headed downstream towards Tar Island... where the current will whisk them to the outer channel and down river along Grenadier Island and into the main Seaway Shipping Channel.
Sea Prince... fully inspected... and "at the ready"... to "heave off" on her inaugural 2015 voyage this Friday. Rumor has it that she will carry over a thousand Asian visitors over this weekend... providing the weather holds... and the ice presents no shipping danger.
In the bird feeding area of our yard... winter residents must now compete with newly arrived red winged black birds, starlings, emerging chipmunks and night time masked bands of resident raccoon... fresh out of hibernation and anxious to find their share of the booty. The yard echoes with the challenges and squabbles of a variety of voices... new and old. Even the familiar soothing smell of the once covered grass and soil can be detected. Spring is indeed... in the air!
Mourning Doves preening n' pecking... courting is under full steam!
Anxious irises... poking their heads through the still frost-filled soil and ice to retain their crown as first to emerge in our garden
On a personal note, we can now divert our energies and attention to preparing for the opening of The Paint Box Gallery in early May. Withe my solo show in Kingston successfully out of the way this past weekend... I can resume my own painting journey attending to themes of my own liking and interest. I very much look forward to being able to get outside more regularly... since the cold seems to be relenting.
While the show was not what I had hoped for in terms of attendance or sales at this point... it has already accomplished the goals that I had intended to achieve in accepting the challenge to produce it. I have created some of the very finest work that I have produced and I know from my years of retail experience... that openings are hardly the measure of the overall success of a show. Many factors play into opening success... and those factors are beyond my ability or responsibility to control. I am after all... only the painter!
Curator Kate cruising the early visitors at the show
My talk was well received by those present and it offered me an opportunity to reflect and deliver a precised overview of my journey and process. Judging from the interest and the quality of the many questions asked of me... my talk was indeed a conversation... that is... a successful invitation to discuss and share opinions and ideas. Mission accomplished!
"Me"... giving my talk... while couched comfortably in the warmth and ambiance of the artisan glass wood and pottery.
Kate Ducharme, the gallery curator did a splendid job and completed the hanging job flawlessly.... articulating a flow and artful interaction between my work and the many other creative pieces in the gallery space. Thank you Kate... for all of your hard work!
A full wall housing a nice cluster of four landscapes... depicting the four seasons
A trio of River landscapes... fronted by a tiered grouping... blending beautiful and varied hand crafted pieces.
"River Dance"... the tour de force in my mind for this show... nestled between two very different landscapes and fronted by some magnificent glass,,, wooden bowls and pottery. A spectacular looking natural wall.
My son... and supporter Bryn... admiring some of the glass.
The small "Time Stands Still... on the River" triptych tucked into a small alcove in concert with the warmth and natural quality of these salad sets and delicate glass.
"Tangled Garden"... standing tall and alone... above the elegantly sculpted trio sitting colorfully below.
These three River scenes blend ever so naturally and handsomely with the bevy of handmades on the shelves below. Bravo Kate!
Deb and I are ready to sit down together this weekend to fully review our inventory of creative offerings that we stocked throughout last season... to facilitate re ordering... or not. It also will be the time where we will determine what new products and projects each of us will undertake to create new and exciting additions in the Gallery for Summer 2015.
It is a wonderful and exhilarating feeling to be thinking summer again... and well before it is actually upon us. While we have worked continuously downstairs in our shared winter studio space... there is a sense of freedom gained by visualizing the end of the confinement which winter brings here in Rockport. Many of the resident winter "snowbirds" have found their way back... and human activity has once again returned in its usual gradual fashion. It is rumored that the first boat cruise might head up River under the International Bridge... as early as Friday... despite the existence of a lot of heavy river ice. Spring ... is on the water as well!
In closing... I hope that you have enjoyed my offerings of a few jpeg glimpses of the show opening. Hope that these provide you with some insight into the space and the presence of paintings there. Certainly... a "jump start" for The Paint Box Gallery for Summer 2015! I am pleased...
Good Painting... and Happy Easter Egg!... to ALL!
A "Sweet Taste of Spring"... to All!! Happy Easter from The Paint Box Gang!